Videographer Megan Fritze illustrated a valuable lesson about the importance of location choice when shooting wedding photos during Dan and Jackie Anderson’s wedding in Crosslake, Minnesota. Take a look at what she caught on video:
Not that any photographer would know the weight limits of random lake docks, but if you’re shooting a wedding party, this little accident might be one to keep in mind. According to an interview by Mattie Kahn at ABC’s Good Morning America, the wedding party, who was posing on a dock for photos, remained in good spirits, clothing was not damaged, and the wedding thereafter went smoothly.
Check out the serene looks on the faces of the bride and groom as the wedding party takes a dunk. May they live happily ever after!
In the interview, Fritze says that the bride “looked up with the biggest smile in the world. She was literally laughing out loud and just smiling. The first thing she said was, ‘Did you record that? Please tell me you got that on camera!’ I thought, ‘This is a really cool bride.'”
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I want to know how after going into the lake the “clothing was not damaged.” The bride, groom, and most of the attendants were soaked. How do you go on with a wedding with everyone wet? Another reason for doing the pictures AFTER the ceremony.