As unrest continues in Syria, there are a few courageous photographers risking their lives in an effort to report the truth to the world. Without journalists on the ground, the government would be free to manipulate the news and the facts about what is happening there. French photographer Remi Ochlik was killed this week along with another prominent journalist, Marie Colvin, in a barrage of gunfire and shelling by government forces in Homs, Syria.
Remi Ochlik (1983-2012), Photo by Lucas Dolega
Ochlik had recently won one of photojournalism’s most prestigious prizes, the 2012 World Press Photo First Prize in News for his 12-photograph series titled “Battle For Libya.” He was 28 years old.
British photographer Paul Conroy was injured in the same attack and efforts are reportedly underway to evacuate him from Homs so he can receive further medical attention. He was working for the Sunday Times newspaper when their media center was attacked and shrapnel tore through his legs.
This video was just uploaded by another french photojournalist documenting what is currently happening to people in the under-siege Syrian city of Homs:
It is a good moment to pause and look at the work of these individuals who risk everything to bring the truth forward and set and accurate record of history.
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duele la trágica historia de los compañeros colegas REMY OCHILIK Y PAUL CONRY cumpliendo su dever como fotógrafo de periodismo lamentan do lo sucedido. valiente fotógrafo
This man was talented. Good at his chosen craft. Many men cannot make that claim of themselves.
But war kills. It destructs and it alters. It is why it exists.