A national park is a park in use for conservation purposes. Often it is a reserve of natural, semi-natural, or developed land that a sovereign state declares or owns. Although individual nations designate their own national parks differently, there is a common idea: the conservation of wild nature for posterity and as a symbol of national pride. The United States has 59 national parks. These gorgeous photos highlight scenery from just few of them:
Have you visited some of these national parks? We want to see your photos! Share them in the comments below.
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I think the author should have done a bit more research before posting this article. As mentioned there is no Bison National Park, and the image showing Pinnacles National Park is taken from the Pinnacles National Park in Australia!!
/Users/chrisdavis/Desktop/America/USA Jpegs/Zion-NP-11.jpg
/Users/chrisdavis/Desktop/America/USA Jpegs/Zion-NP-4.jpg
Zion National park, these were both taken on my trip to America last year, /Users/chrisdavis/Desktop/America/USA Jpegs/Pine-Tree-Arch.jpg
/Users/chrisdavis/Desktop/America/USA Jpegs/Turret-Arch-2.jpg
as were these Arches National Park, Utah. what a great place it was too.
there are more images on my website.
There is no Bison National Park – There is a National Bison Range which is a National Wildlife Refuge in Montana established in1898 by Teddy Roosevelt to protect and preserve the North American buffalo.