Photography makes a great hobby, but it gets even better if you can earn some money from it. Yet a major obstacle many new photographers face is pricing their work. You have you calculate the value of your time, experience and gear, which is especially difficult if you’re just starting out. In this video, wedding photographer Taylor Jackson shares five solid tips on pricing yourself as a photographer:

People see your price as an indicator of your quality. If you price yourself low, you risk potential clients assuming your work is of a lower quality. But if you price it too high, you might scare them off. You have to find a sweet spot.
While identifying this sweet spot is a good thing, it won’t last forever. Ultimately, you want your work to do the talking. Your goal should be to have a firm command over your price. If your work’s good, you can ultimately attract clients who are willing to pay a little bit extra.
If you’re just getting started with your photography business, be sure to go through the entire video. Jackson’s tips will definitely give you a solid perspective when it comes to pricing your photography.
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I agree with each of the points Taylor Jackson made in this video and they are, roughly, the ones I have followed during my career.
I would add an extra point. Once you’ve decided on a rate that seems fair and makes sense to you, don’t lower it if they ask for a discount. If you did, you would be undervaluing your work. If you have to lower your rate, do it because the person asking for the discount is giving up something, less time, fewer images, etc.
In the end it seems that everything in photography is about finding the sweet spot: aperture, camera height, ISO, … and pricing.