Over a month prior to the 2012 Olympics, photographers arrived to begin building and installing robotic units in twelve Olympic venues, including two new robotic underwater units. In this video, we get an insiders look at the new technology being implemented to bring the world the very best possible images of the 2012 Olympics.
Denis Paquin, Deputy Director of Photography says,
“From one Olympics to the next, our goal is to constantly innovate, whether it’s faster networks to deliver our images in a more timely manner, or this time around, to bring you a completely different perspective on the athletes.”
This will be accomplished by using new robotic units that can be controlled via a joystick, capturing fast real-time photographs that are delivered directly to the computer as the action is happening.
They’ve already begun to install the units in twelve different Olympic venues, but that’s not all! There will also be two new robotic under water cameras capturing images like never before, plus 60 remote cameras strategically placed to give us a unique perspective of the Olympic games.
The Summer Olympics begin Friday, July 27, 2012, and end Sunday, August 12, 2012. You don’t want to miss this!
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Nearly all this equipment ends up on the bidding block after the Olympics. This is a good when production companies stock-up.
Cannot open the video.
Very interesting. This is a side of the Olympics that you do not think about. I am very interested in the ‘behind-the-scenes’ articles and I will be keeping an eye out for your other articles.