While some artists study for years to master their craft, Christopher Wahl hasn’t taken a single class. Yet he’s also never had a job title other than portrait photographer. Wahl, who lives in Toronto, has created energetic, soulful portraits for over 20 years. His portfolio includes breathtaking photographs of celebrities and political figures that have been featured in elite publications such as Vanity Fair and TIME:
Wahl immediately fills a room with his frenetic energy and sense of humor. His confident ease in interacting with his subjects shows in his intimate photographs (Via ISO1200). Some describe his impeccable timing with the shutter as a sixth sense that allows him to capture just the right “in-between” moments. In Wahl’s own words, his work is based on “awkward decisive moments of people doing nothing.” In fact, his reputation for capturing the most impactful moment is so well-earned that he often sends photo editors only a single image for an assignment.
Watch 16×9‘s feature on this illustrious artist for a glimpse of his passion, talent, and personal life:
It’s clear from the above clip that Wahl does not dwell on his career’s successes. Despite his long list of achievements, he is his own harshest critic. He sees room for improvement after every shoot (Via Fstoppers). And though he frequently finds himself surrounded by fame, it’s clear that many of his most prized images are personal photos of his children. Christopher Wahl’s approach is a shining example of how the best artists never stop honing their craft or fueling their passion.
“My standard of good is really high.”
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