What’s better than great animal photography? Why, funny-looking animal photography, of course. Case in point: This series of dogs trying desperately to catch treats, flailing (and sometimes failing) hilariously in the process.
The series is called Photos Frei Schnauze by German-based photographer Christian Vieler, who shoots with a Canon 7D and an incredibly high shutter speed (usually around 1/1600 of a second).
Though Vieler’s only been practicing photography professionally since 2012, it seems pretty clear that he’s found a calling with this concept. People across the Internet are lapping up the images; with enough notoriety he may even soon rival the infamous Dogist.
If you’re feeling inspired to try your hand at some creative animal photography yourself after seeing these hysterical canines, you should check out these quick tips for photographing dogs.
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What does it take to shoot at 1600? I only get numbers like that when I’m shooting into the sun!
I would assume properly arranged studio lighting, and an L glass lens. I’m going to attempt this with our dogs. I have a 70×200 that will run 2.8.