Whether you’ve visited Paris, London, or New York, you’re sure to have come back home with a multitude of holiday snaps on your camera.
From an iconic Parisian photo of the Eiffel Tower or the flamboyant red windmill of the Moulin Rouge, to charming Big Ben or the lights of Piccadilly Circus in London. And in New York, who can resist an obligatory shot of the Statue of Liberty or the lofty Empire State Building towering above Manhattan?
There are so many recognizable attractions from around the world which we immediately associate with a particular country or city—but which of the world’s attractions are the most photographed?
Using Sightsmap, an interactive ‘heat map’ based on data from a Google-powered photo-sharing app, to provide the rankings, the infographic below from Parrot Print reveals the twenty most photographed attractions in the world as well as how many times each sight has been hashtagged on Instagram:
How many of these attractions have you photographed yourself?
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