If you’re new to Lightroom, one of the most popular tools for photographers today, you’re probably not taking advantage of all of its features. But it’s time-consuming to figure out all the bells and whistles. This complete video course from professional photographer Serge Ramelli takes you through all of the critical elements so you can fully utilize this powerful tool to your full potential. Found here: Lightroom Complete Training
In over 55 lessons (6 hours of training), Ramelli takes you through complete photo editing projects using Lightroom CC.
He teaches you his entire workflow in Lightroom and helps you explore all of the features of Lightroom CC, from the basic to the advanced.
Some of the Many Topics Covered:
- moving folders and locations
- importing videos
- face recognition
- sorting
- spray tool
- JPG vs. Raw files
- collections
- stacking photos
- exporting photos
- watermarking
- tone sliders
- updating devices (iPhone or iPad)
- emailing from Lightroom
- using keywords
- backing up photos
- managing your catalog
- searching photos
- histograms
- white balance
- vibrance, saturation, and clarity
- curves
- HSL sliders
- sharpening
- noise reduction
- correcting lens distortion
- calibration
- graduated filter
- brush tool
- radial filter
- spot removal
- crop tool
- panoramas
- retouching
- presets
- working with Photoshop
- plugins
- map module
- book module
- print module
- importing from a memory card
- importing from a hard drive
- copyright
- web galleries
Advanced Photo Editing Techniques
Plus, you’ll be provided with 22 Raw files so that you can follow along with the nine start-to-finish projects that are included in the course.
Found here: Lightroom CC Complete Training
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If this is something that Serge is sending out – I have NEVER been able to download anything from his site. Can you please confirm that this is not from SERGE? Nancy Sams
Thank you for sharing! I will love the learn more about photography!