Interesting Photo of the Day: Sunset Skateboarder

Sometimes it’s the simplest photographs that come out the best. Minimalist photographs let viewers easily understand what they’re supposed to look at, allowing them to connect with the artist’s vision. But taking a minimalist photo isn’t a simple task. It requires a mix of creativity and patience. Consider the following image by photographer Kyle Meshna:

skater silhouette

“Skater at Sunset” by Kyle Meshna (Via Reddit. Click image to see full size.)

Meshna took the image with his Sony A7RIII, and Sony 70-200mm GM lens. He shot the image at ISO 100, f/2.8, 1/1600 second with the camera set to APS-C crop mode for an extra 1.6x zoom.

Meshna captured a beautiful moment in this photograph. The silhouette of the skater, the birds, and the platform against the colorful sky simply look amazing. And lucky for him, even the birds seem to have posed in pairs for this photo.

The only alteration in the image is the adjustment to the color temperature of the sky which has done justice to the overall image.

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