10 Classic Street Photographers to Inspire You

In every genre of photography, there are famous photographers who have helped define the field. Maybe it’s their unique process, their way of telling stories, their compositional eye or their penchant for playing with light and shadows. Whatever it was that made them famous, photographers today would do well to seek out these greats to get inspired. In today’s video, we have photographer Ted Forbes who talks about 10 well-known street photographers who inspire him. Let’s have a look at their work:

Forbes cites some of the well-known names in the world of street photography, such as Henri Cartier-Bresson, W. Eugene Smith, Robert Frank and Saul Leiter, as well as Charles Negre, Karmoinge, Ted Cronner and Loise Fraurer, who are not as well known.

Forbes highlights what it is about these photographers’ work that inspires him. With some, it is the power of the message they were able to convey. In other cases, it is the beautiful composition of their images. In any case, you can learn a lot from studying their lives and work.

If you’re a street photographer but don’t look up to anyone’s work in particular, check out the video above. You might just find yourself a new idol.

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