Seasonal Photography Tips

As the seasons change it’s the perfect opportunity to change your mind about your photography hobby and get into action. There are just so many photo opportunities. So what is there to shoot?

Focus on what is unique about the season. Is it the dry branches of the trees or the buds and flowers of spring and summer. Maybe it’s the leaves as autumn ends and winter begins. There is just so much to photograph as the seasons change. Here are a few tips to help you shoot the seasons.

1. Summer

Focus on the vibrant colors and luscious greens. Get in close to the flowers and look for detail. Or, get back and shoot the rolling fields of colorful flowers and trees. Shoot landscapes of green with skies of azure blue. The world is at your mercy so shoot till you cannot any more.

summer landscape

Photo captured by Federico Respini; ISO 200, f/13.0, 1/640s.

2. Autumn

Autumn is a favorite season for many with the colorful leaves of trees and vines. There are so many shades of brown and red in the carpets of leaves strewn across woods and forest. Look closely for pine cones and acorns and their patterns across woodland floor.

autumn season photo

Photo captured by Johannes Plenio; ISO 800, f/4.0, 1/20s.

3. Winter

Winter is a time of texture and patterns as trees stand starkly contrasted against pale grey skies. If you’re fortunate to have snow there is opportunity to shoot beautiful snow clothed subjects. The colors are cool and neutral across landscapes of crisp whites.

winter image

Photo captured by Mike Kotsch; ISO 200, 23mm, 1/1600s.

4. Spring

Spring is the time time to go wild. There is just so much to shoot as the world rises from the dead of winter and new life blossoms across the countryside. Colors are vibrant and the wildlife is active and ready to face the abundance that creation provides. So get in close and see what new life offers your creative genius.

spring season

Photo captured by Biegun Wschodni; ISO 200, 22mm, f/7.1, 1/1250s.

Now is the time to learn photography and develop the photo techniques that will help you create those magnificent images.

About the Author:
Wayne Turner has been teaching photography for 25 years and has written three books on photography. He has produced 21 Steps to Perfect Photos; a program of learner-based training using outcomes based education.

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