Landscape photography can be a challenging but rewarding hobby. In this video, photographer Mads Peter Iversen shares 10 quick and essential photography tricks for making your landscape photos stand out from the average Joe with a mobile phone:
One of the first tricks is to try different and unique perspectives. Instead of just photographing a scene from eye level, try getting low to the ground or climbing to a higher vantage point. Using a wide angle lens can also emphasize an interesting foreground.
Another important aspect of landscape photography is light. The optimal light is always relative to the scene of photographing, sometimes front light is necessary, especially if you want to photograph rainbows, sometimes side light is beneficial for highlighting shapes of mountains and sometimes backlight is what you want.
Proper placement of objects in landscape photography is essential for creating a visually pleasing and dynamic composition. The way elements are arranged within the frame can affect the overall balance and harmony of the image as well as the viewer’s eye movement and attention.
Use compositional tools, there are many compositional tools to use in landscape photography, such as lines, balance, and anchoring points.
Moody overcast days with texture-rich clouds and maybe rain works great for photography although it can be meh to get out in it can deliver some absolutely insane photos photos that Average Joe is not taking because average due doesn’t go out and Rain.
“The most important thing is to never stop learning and growing.”
Keep experimenting with different perspectives, pay attention to light and shadow, and work on your compositional skills to take your landscape photography to the next level.
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