Search: "pinhole camera"Found 30 results

12 Black & White Photos Taken With Pinhole Cameras

12 Black & White Photos Taken With Pinhole Cameras

A pinhole camera is a simple camera without a lens and with a single small aperture, a pinhole—effectively a light-proof box with a small hole in one side. Light from a scene passes through this single point and projects an inverted image on the opposite side of the box. Check out these images taken with […]

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How to Make a DIY Pinhole Camera

How to Make a DIY Pinhole Camera

Looking for a fun activity this weekend? Gather together some simple materials and make yourself a pinhole camera—a simple camera with no lens and only a single, fixed aperture: The video above comes from Tony and Chelsea Northrup, and shows how making a pinhole camera will barely cost you anything more than a few hours. You just […]

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Watch Out Matrix, Here Comes Pinhole Camera Bullet Time

Watch Out Matrix, Here Comes Pinhole Camera Bullet Time

“Bullet time” is a visual effect where action is slowed down so much that even the most miniscule of movements can be photographed. The term was first coined by the makers of the movie The Matrix to describe their filming of the bullets flying through the air. Simulating the effect using 360 degree rigs and […]

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Pre-Digital Photography Infographic: The Evolution of the Camera

Pre-Digital Photography Infographic: The Evolution of the Camera

While many inventors are considered to have developed the first photographic camera, photography appears to have had its earliest start in the thick of the Middle Ages (1000 AD) when a man named Alhazen rigged the first pinhole camera, which we now call the Camera Obscura. From there, all the way to the 1981 Sony Mavica […]

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DIY Pinhole Lens Tutorial

DIY Pinhole Lens Tutorial

Would you like to take images with a retro feel to them? And do you happen to have a spare camera body cap with you? If the answer to both of the questions is “Yes”, then you are in luck. Here’s a short DIY tutorial from Blue Mantle Films that show you how to make […]

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The Simplest Explanation of Camera Aperture Ever

The Simplest Explanation of Camera Aperture Ever

If you’ve ever wanted to explain how the aperture on your camera works but didn’t quite have the words, or you’re looking to understand the science behind it just a little better, don’t miss this video by the folks at MinutePhysics. Not only does it give the simplest explanation of aperture ever, it also leaves […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: Pinhole Solargraph With a 6 Month Exposure

Interesting Photo of the Day: Pinhole Solargraph With a 6 Month Exposure

Pinhole photography may seem like a dying art form, but an Jip Lambermont, a solargraph enthusiast from the Netherlands, may help to inspire more photographers to give pinhole photography a try: The streaks through the sky are the path of the sun over the course of six months–the duration of the exposure required to create this […]

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How to Build a Camera Obscura

How to Build a Camera Obscura

Though the camera obscura doesn’t actually record images, almost every camera in existence works on the principles implemented by it. Dating back to the 4th century BCE, artists have traced the projections created by these tools—long before the conception of the daguerreotype. Even today, it’s pretty simple to build a camera obscura of your own. […]

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Camera Obscura Photography Techniques

Camera Obscura Photography Techniques

Spending time in his mother’s camera shop is what first got artist Ross den Otter interested in the science and history behind photography. Growing up with the smell of darkroom chemicals at the tips of his fingers, he was practically born with a fascination and propensity for the trade. As an adult, his passion for the […]

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Can a Camera Be Lensless? Introducing the Futuristic FlatCam

Can a Camera Be Lensless? Introducing the Futuristic FlatCam

What would a camera without a lens look like? The answer, according to a team of researchers at Rice University, is literally anything. By ditching the bulky lens, cameras could be built to be flat, allowing them to be contorted or positioned in anything—they could be flexible, curved, or subtly placed inside other devices: Leading the team […]

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