Scenic fly fishing, misty mountain panoramas, wild bears trekking the riverside–this is the life of professional wildlife photographer Charles Glatzer, who gave up his job as a successful commercial photographer to found Shoot the Light by teaching and shooting nature exclusively. See it here:
“You’re just sitting out there by yourself, listening to the sounds, communing with nature. It’s a complete stress-reliever. For every waking moment that I’m not in the office or in the field, I am on that river.” – Charles Glatzer
The video doesn’t offer many tips for aspiring wildlife photogs, but it does argue convincingly in favor of quitting your day job, putting on some soothing indie post-rock, buying a pair of bulky beige fly fishing trousers and living in a cabin for the rest of your life. (Assuming you can afford it–Glatzer shoots with a Canon 7D and a Canon L superzoom lens.)
Patience is key to capturing a bear in the wild.
When not shooting, Glatzer fly fishes for fun.
Fog rolls over the mountains of BC, Canada.
“If there was no money involved, I would probably do the same thing.”
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I may only be a teen, but, I am in love with photogrpahy. And this has always been my dream job.