Articles by William Booth, Author at PictureCorrect - Page 10 of 13127 results

How to Photograph a Truck Portrait at Sunset

How to Photograph a Truck Portrait at Sunset

Using the sunset to your benefit creates a warm, soft glow on your portrait subjects. Does it work for photographing vehicles? The Slanted Lens shows how to use the sunset to create a stunning portrait with a truck. In this case, the sun sets behind a mountain near Los Angeles, but the advice given here still works with […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: View of the Clouds From a Peak

Interesting Photo of the Day: View of the Clouds From a Peak

Have you ever gotten a view above the clouds? You must either be in an aircraft or atop a high peak, right? In this case, it’s a view above the Alps that displays a gorgeous bed of clouds. The photographer had to trek to the top for this one, as suggested by his hiking poles and […]

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7 Ways to Move Lightroom Sliders for Photo Editing

7 Ways to Move Lightroom Sliders for Photo Editing

Did you know that there are seven different methods for making adjustments in Lightroom’s Develop module? Benjamin Warde demonstrates each option for adjusting exposure, contrast, highlights, shadows, and more: Click on the slider handle and drag left or right. Click on the slider ramps and the slider will move to where you clicked. Input a number in […]

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How to Edit Landscape Skies in Lightroom

How to Edit Landscape Skies in Lightroom

Have you ever wondered how to bring out the detail in your overexposed sky without ruining the whole image? A problem you may run into taking landscape photos is that if you set up your camera to expose for the foreground, the sky will appear too bright. Since our cameras don’t have the range to […]

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Tips for Photographing Toddlers

Tips for Photographing Toddlers

They’re active, unpredictable human beings—and perfect for studio shots! With toddlers, the most candid moments come within an instant and can be gone the next, so you need to be prepared with your setup and camera. Daniel Norton shares a few tips for getting the most out of a toddler photo shoot: Get Down Low Children have […]

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Everyone Wants to Be a Wedding Photographer

Everyone Wants to Be a Wedding Photographer

When you’re a wedding photographer, it’s bad enough when you see someone on their phone during a wedding ceremony. But what about when they start taking pictures with it? And who’s going to call out the old uncle snapping photos with a DSLR? The better and easier technology becomes,the more irresponsible people end up with it in […]

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Dark Background Portrait Photography Tips

Dark Background Portrait Photography Tips

If you’re shooting portraits on a dark backdrop and need fresh ideas, look no further. Daniel Norton demonstrates how to create dramatic portraits on a dark background: Norton says that sometimes it’s ideal to match the background with the skin tone of your subject. In this case, Norton photographs a subject with darker skin and hair so […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: Sea Foam Splash

Interesting Photo of the Day: Sea Foam Splash

In photography, there’s a lot you can learn from others—but even more that you can teach yourself. Being able to walk around and see the things that other people don’t notice is an ability that plays a large role in improving your photography. For example, in this image, someone walking down a beach sees wave […]

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10 Tips to Build Trust with Wedding Photography Clients

10 Tips to Build Trust with Wedding Photography Clients

As a wedding photographer, it’s your responsibility to make sure that your clients are comfortable and to produce amazing work. Your time together can be phenomenal if you go about it the right way and SLR Lounge has 10 helpful tips for making the experience great for both parties: 1. Make the first image a […]

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How to Use a Brush to Edit Gradients in Lightroom

How to Use a Brush to Edit Gradients in Lightroom

Having trouble using gradients in Lightroom? Benjamin Warde demonstrates how to properly use the brush to modify a gradient. He shows us his screen as he spells out where to find the tool and how to effectively use it: For the image featured in the video, the gradient layer decreases the exposure. He places it […]

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