Articles by William Booth, Author at PictureCorrect - Page 2 of 13127 results

Interesting Photo of the Day: Tasman Glacier Under the Milky Way

Interesting Photo of the Day: Tasman Glacier Under the Milky Way

Many photographers experiment with astrophotography and are drawn to the sights and colors that can’t always be seen by the naked eye. In order to capture the immense amount of light and detail that the Milky Way gives off, you often need multiple exposures and a method for tracking the star movement. This image is a […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: 186 Seconds of Moonlight Fog

Interesting Photo of the Day: 186 Seconds of Moonlight Fog

Summer in San Francisco is fog season, since the area is colder, damper, and more overcast than usual. This view looks down upon the fog in a warmer, more sunny spot from atop Mount Tamalpais near the Golden Gate Bridge. The long exposure portrays the fog as long, rolling hills of gray that blanket the sleepy […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: Northern Lights Over Norway Mountains

Interesting Photo of the Day: Northern Lights Over Norway Mountains

The allure of the Northern Lights draws visitors and photographers from all over the world to see them. In places like Norway where they are frequently viewed, photographers embark on a mission to capture the Northern Lights floating over beautiful scenery. For many photographers, it can be a time and money consuming process to research and […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: Nicolai Mountain After Snowfall

Interesting Photo of the Day: Nicolai Mountain After Snowfall

Winter storms create a wonderful effect for a photograph because of the fresh snow and undisturbed ground. The snow clings to whatever it can, including branches, bushes, and tree trunks. The white and blue shown in this image mesh with the everlasting brownish black of the woods, creating a dreamlike shot. The way that this […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: Sunrise in Rangarvallasysla, Iceland

Interesting Photo of the Day: Sunrise in Rangarvallasysla, Iceland

Nothing beats relaxation time while watching and listening to a cascading waterfall. The feeling is hypnotic, especially in the presence of beautiful terrain and a complementary sunrise. This image successfully captures that feeling, giving the viewer a sneak peek of the captivating landscapes strewn throughout Iceland: This waterfall named Seljalandsfoss, located in the Rangarvallasysla region of Iceland, […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: El Capitan Sunrise

Interesting Photo of the Day: El Capitan Sunrise

Often, sunrises like this one only last a few minutes before the sun escapes over the horizon line and the colors burst into brighter, warmer tones. So, when this time does come, you had better be ready with your camera set up! The preparation and patience are always worth the effort once you’re greeted with […]

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Transforming Darkness with Light Painting Photography

Transforming Darkness with Light Painting Photography

Hannu Huhtamo uses light to make art out of the darkness in his photographs. He’s a light painter known for his work in Finland. Huhtamo uses flashlights and other sources of light to create glowing lines of artwork in his pieces. They’re long exposure photographs without any need for Photoshop or editing software. Great Big Story shows […]

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How to Construct Your Own Custom LED Triangle “Ring” Light

How to Construct Your Own Custom LED Triangle “Ring” Light

Ring lights are used for even lighting on the subject’s face and solid eye lighting. Caleb from DSLR Video Shooter created this video demonstrating how he saved money and created a unique look by constructing a homemade triangle “ring” light with LEDs: All in all, he spent under $100 on the materials, so this could […]

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How to Avoid Harsh Light When Using a Flash

How to Avoid Harsh Light When Using a Flash

Learning to manipulate camera flash can be tricky for photographers who deal with harsh light or are inexperienced with a speed light. David Bergman from Adorama shares helpful instructions on how to capture soft light using flash bounce or a white flash card: The main aspect to remember with camera flash is that the light […]

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Wave Chasing Photography

Wave Chasing Photography

Canadian photographer Dave Sanford spends lots of time waiting for the right weather to capture images of massive waves on Lake Erie. In the South of Ontario, Lake Erie is a large lake but rather shallow compared to other well known lakes. This shallowness helps create the big waves: Sanford goes into each expedition without knowing what […]

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