Articles by William Booth, Author at PictureCorrect - Page 3 of 13127 results

How to Shoot Good Portraits in Harsh Sunlight

How to Shoot Good Portraits in Harsh Sunlight

Shooting photos with invasive sunlight can be frustrating and often creates unwanted shadows and contrast. As a general rule, the best time to take portraits is right after a sunrise or right before the sunset. For more on finding the best angle during a sunny day, here is a video tutorial with some tips for portrait […]

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Tips for Macro Photography at Home

Tips for Macro Photography at Home

In case you don’t feel like leaving home to shoot photos, try exploring the clutter of your living space to find interesting shots. Although it may not always be considered prime inspiration for photography, your home contains plenty of appealing angles and objects. Photographer Doug McKinlay describes how to photograph the inside of your house: […]

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How to Avoid the Red Eye Effect

How to Avoid the Red Eye Effect

There was nothing more frustrating back in the day than having your disposable camera’s photos developed just to find that your subject(s) had red eyes. This is an annoying effect that comes from camera flash and the harsh light that enters the subject’s eyes. Michael Aranda shares this video informing us about how the red eye […]

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How to Capture Sharp iPhone Photos at Night

How to Capture Sharp iPhone Photos at Night

When Emil Pakarklis started out using his iPhone for nighttime photography, a lot of the pictures ended up dark and grainy. But he’s learned a lot since then. In this video, he shares how he takes perfect photos during the night using an iPhone: Pakarklis learned that if you want to get predictable results for your […]

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10 Sneaky Food Photography Tricks

10 Sneaky Food Photography Tricks

Do you think you know the tricks that go into making food look so delicious in photographs? Think again! This video from Top Trending demonstrates and explains the various methods food photographers and advertisers use to make sure the product looks ready to eat. Some of the things they do and use will surprise you! […]

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How to Create a Signature Watermark in Photoshop

How to Create a Signature Watermark in Photoshop

Do you use a watermark for your photographs? If so, does it look clean and undistracting? Colin Smith from photoshopCAFE demonstrates how he turns his written signature into a watermark for his images: How to Make a Signature Watermark in Photoshop Draw your large signature on a piece of big white paper. Smith used a […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: Dog Walker’s Reflection

Interesting Photo of the Day: Dog Walker’s Reflection

By now, you probably know that some of the best natural lighting comes during sunrise and sunset. Warm tones during a sunrise can create a red or orange glow in your image that is hard to beat! On a beach, you can capture the clouds overhead, the waves in the middle, and the sand in […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: Boston Skyline

Interesting Photo of the Day: Boston Skyline

The city skyline always looks impressive in photos. In Chicago, you can ride a helicopter and capture aerial shots of the sprawling skyscrapers. Los Angeles can be shot from hiking up into the hills, revealing a sea of buildings surrounding the city’s tallest buildings. New York has a multitude of skyscrapers, including the Empire State […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: Great White Shark Breaching at Sunset

Interesting Photo of the Day: Great White Shark Breaching at Sunset

Wildlife photography can involve an element of danger or surprise from the unpredictability of animals in their natural habitats. In this case, ocean wildlife photographers are permitted to drag seal decoys through the water during peak Great White season. They lure them into breaching so that they can photograph these immense creatures and their impressive […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: Sunset Reflection on Wood

Interesting Photo of the Day: Sunset Reflection on Wood

Not every sunset photograph needs clouds to display the beauty of the disappearing light and warm tones. A striking foreground emphasizes the highlights and shadows cast by the last of that day’s sunlight. In this photograph, dead wood sets the scene for a gorgeous sunset in British Columbia: TritonTheDark shot this photograph of the West Dyke […]

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