Articles by William Booth, Author at PictureCorrect - Page 4 of 13127 results

Interesting Photo of the Day: Mount St. Helens Focus Stack

Interesting Photo of the Day: Mount St. Helens Focus Stack

Have you ever been exposed to harsh conditions just to capture that one photo you were looking for? Landscape photography sometimes tests photographers’ limits! It could be rain, snow, or intense winds that disrupt your session. Photographer Ross Schram von Haupt tested his patience and fortitude waiting to capture this lovely shot of Mt. St. Helens while […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: Lion Steals Camera and Tripod

Interesting Photo of the Day: Lion Steals Camera and Tripod

Nature shots in a safari setting feature the most powerful, wild animals that Africa has to offer. Oftentimes, taking photos from a distance is the best way to capture these shots and remain safe. But what happens if your camera is left behind to sit in place and shoot these images for you? The result […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: Milky Way Over Australia

Interesting Photo of the Day: Milky Way Over Australia

An incredible amount of time and effort goes into planning and executing astrophotography. For images such as this one, multiple exposures need to be stitched together in post processing to create such a large, high definition photograph. Before setting out late at night, you must study the meteorological and geographical conditions to ensure that the stars […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: Milky Way Over the River

Interesting Photo of the Day: Milky Way Over the River

Sometimes, it takes more than one shot to get it right. In order to capture the Milky Way in the night sky and pair it with a clear foreground, photographers often blend more than one shot together. When done correctly, the result is a stunning image that illuminates everything beautiful about a forest at nighttime: […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: Accidental Moon Metering

Interesting Photo of the Day: Accidental Moon Metering

Sometimes you make an error with your camera settings and end up with an image that turns out differently than you expected. In the occasion that you like the photo, you get surprised with an image that reminds you why photography is so awesome! Often, this mistake can be an adjustment that changes the lighting or […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: 3 Hours of Star Trails

Interesting Photo of the Day: 3 Hours of Star Trails

Have you tried your hand at astrophotography? If you can find a dark night sky with stars present, try for a long exposure. You may reveal more stars that aren’t visible to the naked eye! Photographer Alexander Pulliam used his photography expertise to line up multiple exposures for this stunning image: A finished piece such […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: Camel Caravan in the Desert

Interesting Photo of the Day: Camel Caravan in the Desert

Drone photography has become more popular in recent years because of advances made in technology and accessibility to the equipment. Some photographers have embraced this new wave of image capturing that allows them to photograph immense portions of land from above. It used to be a view that was left to helicopters and planes. The […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: A Deer at the Olympic Peninsula

Interesting Photo of the Day: A Deer at the Olympic Peninsula

Deer are fascinating animals to photograph because of their big, staring eyes and ability to dart away quicker than you can close the shutter. A landscape shot is often enhanced by the presence of one or more deer to show the remote location or scale. They also have a knack for staring into the camera […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: Mount Shasta on a Clear Night

Interesting Photo of the Day: Mount Shasta on a Clear Night

A highly detailed nighttime shot looks clean when it’s illuminated to show the foreground leading into the impressive backdrop. In this case, different exposures are required to capture the log and dirt while it’s brighter outside. Later on, another exposure or two can be photographed to display the darkening sky. Together, these multiple exposures merge together […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: It’s All About Perspective

Interesting Photo of the Day: It’s All About Perspective

Finding the right perspective for each photo isn’t rocket science. It also isn’t a proven science or method. Rather, it depends on the photographer and the message they want to portray in their image. A straight on shot of a subject can be bland if there’s nothing to it. Instead, you can explore the different […]

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