Articles by William Booth, Author at PictureCorrect - Page 5 of 13127 results

Interesting Photo of the Day: Flaming Peak in the Canadian Rockies

Interesting Photo of the Day: Flaming Peak in the Canadian Rockies

Photographer Max Foster ventured into the cold Canadian Rockies in Alberta, Canada to discover this scenic mountainous landscape. Stumbling around on the snowy terrain looking for an ideal shot can be burdensome, but landscape photographers have drive and passion for enduring the elements in search of photos like these. Finding and arranging such photographs takes time, […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: Shooting Star Over Iceland Farmhouse

Interesting Photo of the Day: Shooting Star Over Iceland Farmhouse

Have you ever witnessed a beautiful scene of the night sky but couldn’t quite capture the entire scene as you saw it? A longer exposure reveals stars invisible to the naked eye and also paints a brighter foreground. When used together, you can construct a more accurate portrayal of the view you had that night. […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: Icelandic Ice Cave

Interesting Photo of the Day: Icelandic Ice Cave

The best part about adding to a beautiful landscape is placing a figure in it to show scale or draw the viewer’s attention to a spot in the photograph. In this case, the cave explorer wears a crimson red jacket in stark contrast to the cool blue and dark navy colors filling the space around […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: Joshua Tree Under the Cosmos

Interesting Photo of the Day: Joshua Tree Under the Cosmos

Death Valley is a prime location to view the Milky Way and a starry night sky because of the absence of light pollution from nearby cities. It’s important to keep this variable in mind when you’re scouting a new place to shoot nighttime landscape photography, especially since a large portion of the United States experiences light […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: Between Two Worlds at Night

Interesting Photo of the Day: Between Two Worlds at Night

A starry sky or Milky Way composition can be time consuming and subjects the photographer to the outside elements. Some photographers camp out for hours waiting for the right shot and exposure. Some capture the foreground at sunset and wait for the peak visibility of the night sky hours later. They often use a star tracker […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: A Dirty Puddle in NYC

Interesting Photo of the Day: A Dirty Puddle in NYC

Have you been thinking of ways to skew the perspective in your images lately? It isn’t always about positioning yourself to achieve a different viewpoint for your work. In this case, it’s a visually pleasing image that has taken advantage of its flipped vertical perspective. The change creates another story that ultimately becomes the first […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: Red Wildflowers at Mount St. Helens

Interesting Photo of the Day: Red Wildflowers at Mount St. Helens

Landscape photographers recognize that a foreground can make or break a landscape image. When they plan a shot, the foreground often has striking detail and colors that draw the viewer in. The attention to detail pushes the viewer’s eyes outward toward the background. In this case, it’s Mount St. Helens in focus as the looming mountain rises […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: ISS Over Lion’s Head in Cape Town

Interesting Photo of the Day: ISS Over Lion’s Head in Cape Town

Have you ever thought you’d seen a shooting star and later realized that what you saw was the International Space Station? It happens more than you might think. Experienced astrophotographers are usually able to tell the difference and can pinpoint what sets the ISS flight pattern apart from a shooting star. As you can see […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: Night Sky Above Mt. Rainier

Interesting Photo of the Day: Night Sky Above Mt. Rainier

Astrophotography interests many photographers because of the technical equipment and methods involved, exclusive locations, and shots such as this one. For example, this photograph required merging shots of the foreground with images of the night sky. This can be done with a star tracker and photo editing software, but it just goes to show how […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: Golden Gate Bridge Sunrise

Interesting Photo of the Day: Golden Gate Bridge Sunrise

Jonathan C. Dawson took the time and effort to capture this stunning photograph of the early morning sunrise at the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. A fisherman stands alone while monitoring his two poles set up to catch the early fish. The most striking parts of this photograph are the color gradients that blend […]

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