Articles by William Booth, Author at PictureCorrect - Page 9 of 13127 results

How to Take Your Own Self and Family Portraits

How to Take Your Own Self and Family Portraits

“We receive so many comments that say something along the lines of, ‘I take great portraits of my friends, but they never take any great portraits of me.’” Mango Street created this video to demonstrate how they work around not having a photographer for portraits. In this case, the two of them work to create […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: Cherry Blossoms in Germany

Interesting Photo of the Day: Cherry Blossoms in Germany

Sometimes, a location is best shown as a combination of multiple exposures. Stacking the images can create different effects, add detail, and widen the perspective. In this case, the vertical view is lengthened to create a tunnel of blooming cherry blossoms. The effect is mesmerizing and creates a visual tunnel for the viewer to ‘walk’ […]

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Alligator vs. Photographer

Alligator vs. Photographer

A photographer on the La Chua Trail at Paynes Prairie in Gainesville, Florida recently decided to leave the trail to get up close and personal with an alligator defending its newborns. At first, he had his tripod set up and the camera gear in a bag to mount it. When the alligator took notice and […]

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How to Edit Landscape Photo Skies Without Fringing

How to Edit Landscape Photo Skies Without Fringing

When you photograph a landscape and overexpose the sky, it will often turn out too bright with overdone highlights. After opening the file to edit it, you may notice that turning down the whites and highlights won’t always fix your problem. By doing that, you are affecting the entire image and will likely have portions […]

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3 Light Setup for Outdoor Portraits with Just 1 Light

3 Light Setup for Outdoor Portraits with Just 1 Light

Equipment that a photographer chooses to use for for the photo shoot and how it is used determines the effect of shadows and highlights on the subject. SLR Lounge created a video informing photographers on how to best capture a three light setup using only one piece of lighting equipment: Pye Jirsa used a Canon 5D Mark III […]

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7 Tricks for Perfectly Exposed iPhone Photos

7 Tricks for Perfectly Exposed iPhone Photos

If you’re like most people, your smartphone is your most used camera. But do you ever get frustrated with getting the right exposure with an iPhone? Emil Pakarklis demonstrates daily techniques to expose iPhone photos. Here are tricks to use when practicing and improving your smartphone photography: 1. Set Exposure Manually When you click on […]

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How to do Long Exposure Effects with an iPhone

How to do Long Exposure Effects with an iPhone

Just because you don’t have your DSLR with you doesn’t mean you can’t get quality photos. With the right knowledge you can take control of your iPhone’s camera. Emil Pakarklis focuses on using the different iPhone camera settings like a DSLR in this video. As an iPhone user, he has spent many years and snapped thousands […]

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7 iPhone Photography Features You Probably Don’t Know About

7 iPhone Photography Features You Probably Don’t Know About

While most everyone uses a smartphone for photography, most iPhone users haven’t discovered or utilized many key features available to them. Emil Pakarklis created this video to demonstrate the various techniques he has discovered while using an iPhone in his photography: 1. Swipe Left to Access Camera from the Lock Screen You can swipe from right to […]

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iPhone Night Photography Tips & Techniques

iPhone Night Photography Tips & Techniques

With our deal on iPhone Photo Academy ending soon here are some more iPhone photo tricks. Instructor Emil Pakarklis created this video to show the lesser known tactics he uses to capture beautiful images at night on his iPhone. Nighttime photos can be difficult to achieve the proper lighting because an iPhone’s sensor is much smaller […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: Erupting Volcano Under the Starry Night Sky

Interesting Photo of the Day: Erupting Volcano Under the Starry Night Sky

What’s the best Milky Way shot you’ve ever seen? Photographer Albert Dros planned this photo for a long time. He decided to visit Guatemala and photograph this volcano named ‘Fuego’ after seeing pictures of it. Dros discovered that the clearest photographs of the eruptions took place during the evening and night. Most of the good images he […]

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