Articles by Andrei Maguleanu - Page 5 of 8 - PictureCorrect74 articles

How to Fix Oily Skin in Photoshop

How to Fix Oily Skin in Photoshop

Beauty photography is quite literally a fine art, since you have to take all the imperfections shown by your subject and eliminate them 100 percent. Once you have the lighting down to perfection, you have to fine-tune the photo even further. Jeff Rojas explains in the video below how you can eliminate oily skin from a photo: There are […]

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48 DSLR Cameras Used to Capture Fire Breathing

48 DSLR Cameras Used to Capture Fire Breathing

I always like it when resourceful photographers get their hands on some outstanding equipment and just let loose with it. The video below is made by Mitch Martinez, who set up no fewer than 48 DSLR cameras to capture these stunning shots: The slow motion itself is a fantastic visual effect, but when you see […]

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Wide Angle Lenses vs. Telephoto Lenses

Wide Angle Lenses vs. Telephoto Lenses

The type of lens you use determines how the picture you’re taking will end up looking, just like with every other setting on the camera. You’ll see that every type of lens is best for a specific use, and if you want the best possible results you need to learn how to choose the perfect […]

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Wedding Photography: How to Make a Bride Look Her Best

Wedding Photography: How to Make a Bride Look Her Best

They say that a wedding is the union between two people who love each other and want to celebrate spending the rest of their lives together. We all know that, in truth, the day and the celebration is often all about one person: the bride. In the video below, Cliff Mautner partners up with Nikon […]

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How Portrait Photography is Helping the Homeless

How Portrait Photography is Helping the Homeless

When you have a marketable skill that’s in high demand, spending a couple of hours doing your job for those who need it is sometimes more valuable than donating money to the same worthy cause. A couple of months ago a video made the rounds on the Internet showing a professional barber spending some of […]

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ISO Explanations and Definitions

ISO Explanations and Definitions

Learning the basics of photography is the first step toward creating stunning shots. I consider them to be the building blocks of this profession, and knowing how to combine them can lead to masterpieces. The following video from B and H addresses one of the basic elements of photography, ISO: What is ISO? The ISO […]

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Photoshop Trick to Restore Highlights and Shadows in a JPEG

Photoshop Trick to Restore Highlights and Shadows in a JPEG

There’s always been a race between Photoshop and Lightroom when it comes to fine-tuning pictures. Just when I settle down for one of the programs and start using it regularly, I see something that makes me turn back to the other: Today’s “switch back to Photoshop” reason: restoring shadows and highlights in a JPEG image. […]

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3D to 2D: Photographing TED Speakers

3D to 2D: Photographing TED Speakers

TED talks have been around for 25 years. Even though people associate them with our current technological life, these conferences have been a part of our lives for the better part of the last three decades. During this time, thousands of speakers from all walks of life have shared their ideas with millions of people […]

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Step-by-Step Beauty Shoot Lighting Tutorial

Step-by-Step Beauty Shoot Lighting Tutorial

Lighting is all about emphasizing the best characteristics in your subject and hiding the flaws. In beauty photography you have to make the flaws seem non-existent, while putting the beauty front and center. We’ve gotten so used to this that in most glamour shots it’s impossible to tell where the real person ends and where […]

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Corporate Stock Photos in Real Life

Corporate Stock Photos in Real Life

It’s a common joke nowadays that you can find stock photos with just about any situation you can think of—and it’s funny, until you need an extremely ridiculous image and actually find it on a stock photo site. The video below from Nacho Punch shows how it would look if an ordinary office was suddenly […]

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