Articles by Bobby Jonnes - PictureCorrect3 articles

Baby Photography – What Equipment Do You Need?

Baby Photography – What Equipment Do You Need?

Beginners often ask me whether or not they require a portrait lens for baby photography. The answer in relation to baby portraiture is an absolute yes. With a standard lens you will need to get in very close to a baby. You can shoot from further back and crop digitally later, but, from a quality perspective, it’s best to have ‘more image to play with’. The fact is that the closer a stranger (you the photographer) gets to a baby the less chance there is of a good ‘quick shot’.

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Group and Portrait Photography – How to Set Up Groups

Group and Portrait Photography – How to Set Up Groups

Aim for consistency. This tip will increase your sales. By this I mean check that all group members have their hands on laps in a similar fashion, check that they all have their feet in a similar stance and check that all jackets are either open on buttoned.

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Flash Photography – The Importance of Power

Flash Photography – The Importance of Power

I’ve written this article so that you are clear about the importance of power in relation to flash. When I was just starting out, I asked a wedding photographer I knew what sort of flash I should buy. His answer? “The most powerful one you can afford”.

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