Articles by Ignacio Palacios - PictureCorrect8 articles

Understanding Diffused Light

Understanding Diffused Light

Today’s article was kindly shared with us by Ignacio Palacios, author of the 12 Types of Natural Light which is designed to help photographers harness the incredible power of light. If you don’t like strong contrast in your images, this is the light to use. Overcast days don’t mean you can’t shoot. While a white […]

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Backlight and Flare in Natural Light Photography

Backlight and Flare in Natural Light Photography

Today’s article was kindly shared with us by Ignacio Palacios, author of the 12 Types of Natural Light which is designed to help photographers harness the incredible power of light. This is light that comes from behind your subject and heads towards you and your camera. Often dramatic and creating a high contrast situation between […]

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Side Lighting in Photography

Side Lighting in Photography

Today’s article was kindly shared with us by Ignacio Palacios, author of the 12 Types of Natural Light which is designed to help photographers harness the incredible power of light. This is light that comes from one side or the other and is very important to add dimension and texture to an image. Side lighting […]

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Front or Direct Natural Light for Photography

Front or Direct Natural Light for Photography

Today’s article was kindly shared with us by Ignacio Palacios, author of the 12 Types of Natural Light which is designed to help photographers harness the incredible power of light. Front light is the light that hits the front of your subject and one of the most common lighting directions in photography. It is perhaps […]

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Twilight Lighting for Photography

Twilight Lighting for Photography

Today’s article was kindly shared with us by Ignacio Palacios, author of the 12 Types of Natural Light which is designed to help photographers harness the incredible power of light. The Golden Hour may be the most popular time for landscape photography but calling it the magic hour isn’t fair to its often overlooked sibling, […]

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Natural Light During the Golden Hour

Natural Light During the Golden Hour

Today’s article was kindly shared with us by Ignacio Palacios, author of the 12 Types of Natural Light which is designed to help photographers harness the incredible power of light. The Golden Hour or Magic Hour is the time of day shortly after sunrise or before sunset when the light softens in its intensity. A […]

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Ice Tunnel Focus Stacking Composite Photo Case Study

Ice Tunnel Focus Stacking Composite Photo Case Study

Today’s case study on an award-winning landscape photo was kindly shared with us by Ignacio Palacios, author of the Dissecting Award Winning Shots which is designed to help photographers gain the confidence and understanding of how to build their images to an award-winning standard. ‘Ice Hole’ is a composite image created from two images taken […]

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Frozen Trees Landscape Photo Case Study

Frozen Trees Landscape Photo Case Study

Today’s case study on an award-winning landscape photo was kindly shared with us by Ignacio Palacios, author of the 10 Ingredients of Composition Mastery which is designed to help photographers of all skill levels master photography composition. How ‘Confront’ became ‘Heartbroken’… If I’m honest with myself, and courageous enough to say it, I feel that […]

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