Articles by Kent DuFault - Page 2 of 5 - PictureCorrect41 articles

Masking: The Secret to Perfect Photos

Masking: The Secret to Perfect Photos

I think we can all agree that our goal is to make our photos as perfect as possible. Some of that process occurs within the camera. However, in the era of digital photography, we are given far greater tools to work with than our previous brethren had with just film. The key to perfection is […]

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The Photographer’s Secret Weapon: Creating Mood

The Photographer’s Secret Weapon: Creating Mood

A mood is created in a photograph when it allows the viewer to place themselves in the moment, or it causes them to remember a moment that stirs up an emotional reaction. It’s a complicated subject, but it’s imperative for photographers to understand how to express different moods in their images. Final reminder! Only hours […]

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Color Isolation in Photography

Color Isolation in Photography

This article is based on concepts from Creating Rich & Vibrant Color Photography (currently 71% off) if you want to dig deeper for further training. Color photography can be so confusing. Why does one color photograph knock the socks off of everyone who sees it, and another leaves viewers feeling bored and uninspired? Yes, the […]

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This is Why RAW is the Best Choice for Your Photography

This is Why RAW is the Best Choice for Your Photography

I want give you the rock-solid reasons why RAW is your best choice for a camera file format. Don’t get me wrong: there is a time and place for the trusted and long-used JPEG format as well. I’ll touch on that too. The “glass of water” metaphor On the left, we have a water glass […]

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Night Photography Tips

Night Photography Tips

Night photography is a typical “next step” for many budding photographers. I have had numerous photographers ask me over the years, “What do I need to get started in night photography?” My response is always, “What type of night photography do you want to do?” To which they inevitably say, “I don’t know. I just […]

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Candid Street Photography Tips

Candid Street Photography Tips

This article is based on concepts from The Photography Action Cards if you want to dig deeper for further training. Street photography is an art form that combines portrait photography with chance encounters, relying mostly on random incidents that happen in public. People are usually included in a candid street photograph—but not always. That is […]

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Tips for Converting Color Photos to Black and White

Tips for Converting Color Photos to Black and White

This article is based on concepts from the Better B&W Photography Guide if you want to dig deeper for further training. Black and white photographs are arguably some of the most compelling images we can create. There is something magical about a full tonal scale black and white picture. Did you know that you have […]

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This Tip Will Give Your Photos Powerful Perspective

This Tip Will Give Your Photos Powerful Perspective

The magnificence of the human machine, also known as the human body, gives us three-dimensional vision. It is that benefit that allows us to evaluate size and distance. In photography, that benefit becomes obscured, because photos are a two-dimensional medium. This fact of optics is one reason why a photo can appear lifeless and flat. […]

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Focal Points: The Smallest Important Elements in a Photo

Focal Points: The Smallest Important Elements in a Photo

This article is based on concepts from The Advanced Composition Guide if you want to dig deeper for further training. One of the challenges that we face as photographers is the ability to create a meaningful composition path through our photographs. The effort needs to be recognizable to many different minds to reach a broad […]

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Juxtaposition: Exercises to Develop Your Photographic Sense of Irony

Juxtaposition: Exercises to Develop Your Photographic Sense of Irony

This article is based on concepts from The Photography Action Cards if you want to dig deeper for further training. Juxtaposition is a term that applies to many different mediums, including photography. It is often alternately described as “contrast”. I tend to think of it more as contrast with a sprinkle of irony. Here is […]

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