Articles by Margaret Cranford - PictureCorrect3 articles

Developing Your Confidence in Photography

Developing Your Confidence in Photography

Some photographers are born oozing with confidence and self-belief, while others hide their pictures away from friends and family and spend hours with editing software tweaking and adapting their shots. The more they tweak, the less happy they are with the results they get. If you are one of those photographers, don’t give up and […]

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Developing Your Eye for Photography

Developing Your Eye for Photography

Although there is much pleasure to be derived from taking a technically excellent photograph, there is a strong argument that a truly great shot depends most on your eye. Look at the photographs you see every day in magazines, the press, or on display in a gallery. The shots you really take note of are […]

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Can a Photograph Ever Be Perfect?

Can a Photograph Ever Be Perfect?

On a beautiful spring morning, I chose to take a picture of the flawless, perfect blue sky overhead to use in my blog. There was not a single wisp of cloud, not the hint of a contrail, not even a bird to spoil the perfect blueness. So I pointed the camera straight up and took […]

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