Articles by Michelle Jinn - PictureCorrect8 articles

6 Tips on How to Capture Great Fireworks Photos

6 Tips on How to Capture Great Fireworks Photos

1. Use a Slow Shutter Speed When you photograph fireworks, it is very important that you set your camera to a slow shutter speed. This includes a shutter speed that is anywhere between 1 second and 30 seconds or longer, about ISO 100. The shutter speed that is suitable varies depending on the amount of ambient […]

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Wide-Angle Lens Tips in Landscape Photography

Wide-Angle Lens Tips in Landscape Photography

On a full-frame camera, focal lengths of 35mm or wider are considered wide angle lenses. These are great for landscape photography. Settings for best results: A) Aperture Priority Mode Whenever I conduct landscape photography, I always shoot in Aperture Priority mode. Reason being I am able to shoot with more choices of appropriate f-stops and […]

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Tips to Reduce Image Noise in Photography

Tips to Reduce Image Noise in Photography

Do you want to know the 5 tips to successfully reduce noise in images? Here are some things you can do to easily and successfully reduce noise with camera techniques or post-processing. 1. Low ISO Settings To reduce the noise in the image, keep the ISO low. Increase it only when absolutely necessary. Higher ISO […]

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How to Hold a Camera Steady

How to Hold a Camera Steady

If you’re new to photography and don’t know the correct way of holding your DSLR, then I recommend that you continue to read this article. Don’t underestimate its importance. Your inability to grip your camera properly will indeed affect the results of your photography attempts. The Importance of Holding Your DSLR Correctly Holding your camera […]

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Various ISO Speeds

Advantages and Disadvantages of Various ISO Speeds

Are you aware that ISO speeds of different levels each have their very own pros and cons? If you do not know it already, there’s no perfect ISO rating for whatever situation you may be in. Nonetheless, when you know which level of ISO speed to use for the situation you’re in, you can optimize […]

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Tips to Protect Your DSLR Camera From Danger

Tips to Protect Your DSLR Camera From Danger

There are 4 things that you have to be on the lookout for in order to keep your DSLR away from danger. These elements are sand, water, heat, sunscreen and dust. What are the signs that’ll tell you your DSLR has already come into contact with any of the 4 elements? How can you solve it? Most importantly, how to avoid ever letting your DSLR get exposed to these 4 things? When your DSLR gets into contact with sand, you will notice that the moving parts of your DSLR get stuck. The error message on your DSLR’s screen appears.

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Portrait Photography Tips Using a Prime Lens

Portrait Photography Tips Using a Prime Lens

The Power Of Prime Lenses A huge range of focal lengths in a single optic are made available with modern zooms. Companies or people who design lenses work with a single focal length. Hence, chromatic aberration or distortion is minimized. However, designing zoom lenses can mean that compromises are often times necessary. This means that […]

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Indoor Portrait Photography Tips

Indoor Portrait Photography Tips

Here are some indoor portrait photography tips that will help you produce great results and do not require you to have access to expensive studio lights. What say you if there are effective ways you can conduct indoor portrait photography in the comfort of your own home? You can still take photographs that look stunning […]

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