Articles by Richard Schneider - Page 32 of 79 - PictureCorrect781 articles

Subject Detection Tips for Mirrorless Cameras

Subject Detection Tips for Mirrorless Cameras

In this video, photographer Steve Perry from Backcountry Gallery shares five tips for getting more out of subject detection in mirrorless cameras. Subject detection is a refinement of the AF (autofocus) area that typically targets the subject itself, the subject’s face, or the subject’s eyes: 1. Use recognizable subjects. In order for subject detection to […]

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Studio Session Camera Tethering Tips

Studio Session Camera Tethering Tips

Tethering is a method of connecting a camera to a computer or tablet in order to control the camera remotely and view the images on a larger screen. In this video, Gavin Hoey of AdoramaTV demonstrates the essentials of tethering and the pros and cons of using it during a photo shoot: Gavin uses a […]

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How Printing Can Improve Your Photography Skills

How Printing Can Improve Your Photography Skills

Are your photographs gathering dust on your hard drive, never to be seen again? Well, say goodbye to digital purgatory and hello to the world of printing! In this video, Todd Korol will take you on a journey to discover the magic of putting your images on paper. From understanding how your photographs truly look, […]

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Landscape Photographer Shares Reverse Vignette Technique

Landscape Photographer Shares Reverse Vignette Technique

In this video, Mark Denney discusses the use of vignetting in photography and a technique called “reverse vignetting.” Vignetting is a common technique in which the corners of an image are darkened to draw the viewer’s eye towards the center of the image. However, this technique may not work as effectively on symmetrical images or […]

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How to Capture & Edit Night Cityscapes Without a Tripod

How to Capture & Edit Night Cityscapes Without a Tripod

In this video, photographer Serge Ramelli demonstrates a technique for taking high quality photos at night without using a tripod. Ramelli begins by explaining that he often takes photos at night using a tripod to get a smooth, long exposure. However, in this particular instance, he was unable to use a tripod because there were […]

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Profitable Photography Business Ideas

Profitable Photography Business Ideas

As a professional photographer, Lee Morris goal has always been to charge the most money for the least amount of work. While wedding photography allowed for this, it also had its drawbacks, such as not being able to book many weddings and experiencing dry spells with no events to shoot. Recently, he has come across […]

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Winter Landscape Photography Strategies

Winter Landscape Photography Strategies

Glencoe, Scotland is a beautiful place, especially when covered in snow. In this new video, photographer Gary Gough takes us on a tour of some of their favorite locations in Glencoe and captures stunning photographs of the scenery: Gough starts by setting up their tripod on the frozen lake, assuring viewers that it is only […]

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How to Sell Prints of Your Photography

How to Sell Prints of Your Photography

In this video, the speaker, Adam Karnacz, takes viewers through the process of creating and selling a photograph, from taking the photograph to getting it printed and packaged to ultimately selling it to a customer: Adam begins by discussing the importance of capturing a dynamic and visually appealing image, paying attention to composition, lighting, and […]

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Amazing Veterans Day Memorial Designed to Only Work for a Moment Once a Year

Amazing Veterans Day Memorial Designed to Only Work for a Moment Once a Year

It actually can only be seen perfectly at 11:11, on 11/11 each year: Dedicated on 11/11/11 at 11:11 Am. The Anthem Veterans Memorial in Anthem Arizona was funded mostly by donations: Here is another angle when the sun reaches the Seal: Here you can see the exact moment when it aligns: The sun aligning on […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: Pillars of Creation

Interesting Photo of the Day: Pillars of Creation

NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope has captured a lush, highly detailed landscape – the iconic Pillars of Creation – where new stars are forming within dense clouds of gas and dust. The three-dimensional pillars look like majestic rock formations, but are far more permeable. These columns are made up of cool interstellar gas and dust […]

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