Articles by Richard Schneider - Page 42 of 79 - PictureCorrect786 articles

Timelapse: Drive Across America in 5 Minutes

Timelapse: Drive Across America in 5 Minutes

New York photographer Brian DeFrees recently set out on a roadtrip around the United States with the goal of creating a timelapse to chronicle his journey. He traveled 12,225 miles while capturing a photo every five seconds with his Canon 60D. Take a moment to watch this video, which will carry you across the United […]

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Staff Pic: Sunrise Over Queenstown

Staff Pic: Sunrise Over Queenstown

It’s been a long time since I’ve seen the sunrise, but I rolled out of bed, grabbed my gear and hurried out the door to grab this one in the early hours “Sunrise over Queenstown”: Details: Canon EOS 5D Mark III with EF 24-105mm L Lens @ 47mm F/5, ISO 100 Used bracketing settings to capture 7 […]

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Tack Sharp Photography Guide on How to Nail Focus

Tack Sharp Photography Guide on How to Nail Focus

You’d be surprised to know just how much actually goes in to getting consistently sharp images. It isn’t rocket science or physics or anything like that but there are definitely techniques and processes involved that the majority of photographers probably don’t know about. This is a step by step guide designed for any photographer who […]

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Portrait Guide, Making the Shot

Portrait Guide, Making the Shot

This new in-depth portrait training guide is designed for those looking to take their portraits to the next level. A must-have resource for photographers aspiring to take portraits with SOUL. Everything from the right gear, to the right settings, to working with subjects. Found here: Portraits – Making the Shot Some of the many topics […]

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You may have noticed over the last few months that our page load times have improved significantly. Previously we were on a high-end dedicated server at Singlehop, who ultimately let us down, charged us for an extra month, and refused to return the payment. As this site has grown to serve over half a million […]

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Guide for Photographic Entrepreneurs

Guide for Photographic Entrepreneurs

This book is designed for photographers of all levels and at any stage of growing their business. Whether you have yet to charge one dollar, make a few hundred dollars a month, or strive to make a full-time living from your craft. This guide is meant to be a spark for you—to help you get a little more organized, […]

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Creative Retouching Essentials in a Day

Creative Retouching Essentials in a Day

This new interactive eBook is designed for those interested in attempting professional beauty & portrait photography retouching or those who just want to understand the fundamentals. It contains information & embedded videos on tools that every photographer who wants to successfully edit their own images should master for high end fashion and portrait photography. But […]

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Canon Announces the Small Peculiar Looking Powershot “N”

Canon Announces the Small Peculiar Looking Powershot “N”

Camera features new shooting styles and easy wireless connectivity Lake Success, N.Y., January 7, 2013 – To inspire creative exploration and encourage instant sharing of life’s every day moments, Canon today unveiled the new PowerShot N digital camera as part of its PowerShot lineup. With an innovative Creative Shot mode that enhances artistic expression and […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: Hippo Underwater

Interesting Photo of the Day: Hippo Underwater

This photo caught the attention of the social media world. I for one had never seen a Hippo underwater, and to be honest it looks absolutely terrifying. Another discussed fact from this photo: Hippos are considered one of the most dangerous animals in Africa (and possibly the world), some estimate there are almost 3,000 human […]

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Top Photography Articles of the Year 2012

Top Photography Articles of the Year 2012

As the year ends and a new one begins, we looked back at what articles & topics attracted the most attention in 2012. We were excited to learn that our visitor base grew 75% last year (5 million photographers stopped by) and we are busy planning exciting things for 2013, thanks so much to all of you who continue to visit us! This site would not be possible without you. We would love to hear your thoughts on these articles, please tell us which one was most useful to you and why.

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