Articles by Richard Schneider - Page 61 of 79 - PictureCorrect786 articles

Samsung NX11

Samsung NX11

The NX11 also focuses on usability, with a change in the grip design to make shooting easier and more comfortable for users. Additionally, the NX11 has a lens priority mode dial, simplifying the search for the best mode for each lens. The camera also includes a convenient, one-touch i-Function button that activates common shooting controls like aperture, shutter speed, ISO and white balance, meaning easier and quicker configuration while shooting. The camera makes taking great landscape scenes or pictures of large groups simple by featuring a panorama mode, which allows the user to take panoramic pictures in one press-and-sweep motion.

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Samsung WB700

Samsung WB700

The camera features a 24mm ultra-wide Schneider KREUZNACH lens to capture the perfect wide shot, as well as an outstanding 24X zoom function, made up of an 18X optical zoom and 1.3X Smart Zoom. The WB700 delivers sharp images with incredible detail, thanks to the camera’s 16 Megapixel (MP) CCD sensor. The WB700 is also equipped with full manual control and the ability to record in 720p high definition video (H.264 format). The flexibility of the WB700’s lens and zoom functions allows users to capture a broad landscape in the same 16MP detail as a bubbling brook in the distance.

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Raluca Mateescu Photographer Interview

Raluca Mateescu Photographer Interview

Today I had the pleasure of interviewing Raluca Mateescu, a talented photographer based in Bucharest, Romania. The photos she uploads to our photo sharing site always receive a great deal of attention so I was pleased she agreed to answer some questions for our readers. How would you describe your photographic style? From flowers to trains, from deserted landscapes to street portraits, from black and white to HDR, I’ve tried it all so far, so cannot honestly say there is a definitive style to my photography.

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Light & Land, Landscapes in the Digital Darkroom: eBook

Light & Land, Landscapes in the Digital Darkroom: eBook

Light and Land, Landscapes in the Digital Darkroom by Michael Frye is the newest ebook to the Craft & Vision library. Michael, a photographer based on the doorstep of Yosemite Nation Park, knows his stuff about inspired landscapes and the post-processing techniques that make his vision a reality. Light and Land is written specifically for […]

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Nathan McCreery: Landscape Photographer Interview

Nathan McCreery: Landscape Photographer Interview

Today I had the pleasure of interviewing Nathan McCreery, a professional landscape photographer based in Clovis, New Mexico. He is well known for creating exquisite photographs of the American West. He is often one of the most popular members on the photography network. How would you describe your photographic style? I would describe my photographic style as the “classic landscape”. I have been influenced, very heavily, by the work of Edward Weston, Morley Baer, Philip Hyde, Eliot Porter, Ernst Haas, and of course Ansel Adams. One of my goals, in the photographic realm is to be a master printer.

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Top 10 Photos of the Year: The Photography Social Network

Top 10 Photos of the Year: The Photography Social Network

The PictureSocial photography social network gained a large number of new members and tremendous buzz this year. Photographers from all over the world are gathering on the site to network with others and show off their best work. This is a list of some of the most compelling and popular photos of the year 2010 (it […]

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The Vision Driven Photographer eBook

The Vision Driven Photographer eBook

The Vision Driven Photographer, Notes on Discovering & Refining Your Vision is an engaging and inspiring ebook focused on helping photographers of all levels make stronger photographs by identifying or re-discovering their photographic vision. By clarifying the things you want to say you’re better able to wield the tool of your expression – your camera – to create photographs that say what you want to say, and move others. Working through these insights and the accompanying creative exercises will help you uncover or re-discover your vision, first personally, then photographically.

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Gifts for Photographers 2010

Gifts for Photographers 2010

With the holiday season approaching many of us are starting to think of about gift ideas for friends and family. Some readers have even emailed us seeking gift ideas. I thought it would be helpful to review our site queries from the last few months and assemble a list of the most popular products readers […]

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Panasonic Lumix DMC-GF2

Panasonic Lumix DMC-GF2

Panasonic today announced the LUMIX DMC-GF2, the latest of the company’s DSL Micro (DSLM) compact mirrorless cameras, which is Panasonic’s smallest and lightest interchangeable lens system camera – complete with a built-in flash. The LUMIX GF2 is compatible with lenses from the Micro Four Thirds standard, meaning the system is small and compact, while not compromising ease of operation or image quality. Even more, the LUMIX GF2 is compatible with Panasonic’s new 3D interchangeable lens, the LUMIX G 12.5mm / F12, so users can take 3D photos.

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Alex Lewis Photographer Interview

Alex Lewis Photographer Interview

Today I had the pleasure of interviewing Alex Lewis, a 17 year old photography enthusiast from Ormskirk in the United Kingdom. He is currently studying photography at a university and is considering a career in commercial photography. His work always attracts a great deal of attention on the photography network. What tips or advice do you have for other aspiring photographers? Keep shooting!, Online websites- ask for advice, join groups. No one starts perfect, its just trial and error. Fiddle with your camera- try different modes and take pictures from different points of view.

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