Articles by Sunny Shrestha - Page 103 of 139 - PictureCorrect1381 articles

Using Split Toning to Improve Landscape Photos

Using Split Toning to Improve Landscape Photos

If you’re acquainted with Lightroom, you must have an idea of the vastness of features it offers. It’s simply packed with them and you get all the tools necessary to solve almost any problem in your photos. While this is undoubtedly a good thing, there’s a catch to it as well. With so many options […]

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7 Impactful Photography Tips

7 Impactful Photography Tips

This is really a golden age for those wanting to learn basically anything. Information is readily available in various forms. How much of the information we want to take and put into practice is all up to us. However, not everything out there is golden. In the context of photography, while most of the sources […]

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Work-Life Balance as a Street Photographer

Work-Life Balance as a Street Photographer

Photography is a profession for some, and a hobby for many. In any case, the chances that all photographers will make a living by only shooting the genres that they like are very low. For instance, a landscape photographer may be stuck working day time as a fashion photographer. Even worse, a street photographer may […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: Quarantine Self Portrait

Interesting Photo of the Day: Quarantine Self Portrait

With the recent trouble that the world is going through, many of us have been forced to stay indoors for an extended period of time. And as we have come to know through experience, it’s not always an easy task. As much as it’s daunting physically, it’s been mentally challenging as well. And this is […]

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7 Tips for Taking Better Portraits

7 Tips for Taking Better Portraits

Taking portrait photos does not necessarily mean that you’ve got to use an expensive lighting setup in your studio. In fact, with a bit of planning and some hacks, you can get great results using just natural light. Professional wedding photographer, Vanessa Joy, shares with you 7 creative hacks to help you take some beautiful […]

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Editing with Colors to Create a Mood in Lightroom

Editing with Colors to Create a Mood in Lightroom

Editing has always been a vital part of photography. However, the general masses have only now become more aware of it with the onset of digital photography. Editing allows you to further fine tune an image and add your creative touch to it. You can even take editing a step further, and use it as […]

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Photography Composition: 12 Tips

Photography Composition: 12 Tips

No matter what gear or photography technique you use, the thing that people notice the most in your image is composition. And that’s why composition is considered to the backbone of photography. Therefore, if you want to improve yourself as a photographer, pay attention to how you compose your images. Improving your composition will give […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: Sun Rays Breaking Through at Yosemite

Interesting Photo of the Day: Sun Rays Breaking Through at Yosemite

Yosemite is undoubtedly a magical place. The landscapes there are truly magnificent and beautiful. But if you pay close attention to what’s going on around you, and if you’re lucky enough, you might come across some truly spectacular views not everyone who visits gets to see. After all, nature has a lot of tricks up […]

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10 Home Photography Ideas to Keep You Occupied

10 Home Photography Ideas to Keep You Occupied

It hasn’t been easy for most of us as globally we’ve been forced to stay in lockdown for safety reasons. For photographers, this has been an even greater challenge since it’s really difficult to do certain types of photography when you’re restricted to your own home. But this doesn’t mean that there’s no way to […]

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Landscape Photography: Changing Just One Thing Exercise

Landscape Photography: Changing Just One Thing Exercise

Learning photography is an ongoing process. Like with any sort of learning process, there’s no end to it. As photographers, it’s thus upon us to continue improving what we do. But, it’s easier said than done. Now, the question that arises next is, how can we improve? Photographer Chris Sale shares one thing that can […]

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