Articles by Tiffany Mueller - Page 3 of 25 - PictureCorrect242 articles

Interesting Photo of the Day: East Ukraine Gypsum Mine

Interesting Photo of the Day: East Ukraine Gypsum Mine

Here is something we don’t see everyday: the inside of a gypsum mine located in eastern Ukraine. The photo-op was discovered by Yaroslav Segeda, a Ukraine resident who has a deep history in urban exploring. Segeda can often be found scaling—to dizzying heights—all kinds of buildings and objects, usually without any safety equipment or permission: […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: Sea Foam Crash

Interesting Photo of the Day: Sea Foam Crash

Capturing that perfect moment when the surf hits the sand, curls up, and splashes takes a lot of patience and the ability to snap a picture at precisely the right moment. That’s what photographer, Larry Beard, has done in this image: Taken in Newport Beach, California, the image perfectly captures the sea foam spray, but […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: Southern Alps of New Zealand

Interesting Photo of the Day: Southern Alps of New Zealand

The natural beauty found all throughout New Zealand is unparalleled. It’s no wonder so many photographers from all parts of the world flock there or at least daydream about visiting the enchanting place. A quick look at the photo below and most of us will be sent into a fit of photography-related swooning: The image […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: Hot Air Balloon Over Fairy Chimneys

Interesting Photo of the Day: Hot Air Balloon Over Fairy Chimneys

The breathtaking image you see below is just one of many gorgeous images found in photographer Heracles Kritikos’s portfolio. The image, called Hot Air Balloon Flight Over Cappadocia, was captured in a region in Turkey known for its “fairy chimneys” or conical rock formations: Cappadocia has a thriving hot air balloon industry, undoubtly because of […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: Pinhole Solargraph With a 6 Month Exposure

Interesting Photo of the Day: Pinhole Solargraph With a 6 Month Exposure

Pinhole photography may seem like a dying art form, but an Jip Lambermont, a solargraph enthusiast from the Netherlands, may help to inspire more photographers to give pinhole photography a try: The streaks through the sky are the path of the sun over the course of six months–the duration of the exposure required to create this […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: Abraham Lake Winterscape

Interesting Photo of the Day: Abraham Lake Winterscape

In the stunning photograph below, photographer Chip Phillips has captured the beauty of a wintry Lake Abraham in Alberta, Canada. The perfectly composed image is just a sampling of Phillips’ portfolio, the contents of which quickly reveal Phillips’ distinct eye for natural beauty and an immense understanding of landscape photography: With the geometric patterns of […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: A Bullet Splitting a Water Drop in Half

Interesting Photo of the Day: A Bullet Splitting a Water Drop in Half

If you wanted to photograph a bullet splitting a drop of water in half, you would probably assume that there would be a super fancy high speed camera involved. You would be surprised to find out that you can actually pull the feat off with a DSLR, two intervalometers, a pair of Nikon SB-900 speedlights, […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: An Astronaut Inside an Air Bubble Inside a Drop of Water

Interesting Photo of the Day: An Astronaut Inside an Air Bubble Inside a Drop of Water

When Dutch astronaut André Kuipers isn’t out in orbit exploring space or logging hours on the International Space Station researching muscle atrophy in astronauts, he can be found taking awesome photos of water droplets like this one: Though it appears as though this is two drops of water, it is actually only one drop. An […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: Sand Tufa Formations

Interesting Photo of the Day: Sand Tufa Formations

Using different perspectives, or shooting from different angles, allows you to make objects appear bigger or smaller. This technique was used to create this photograph of sand tufa formations near Mono Lake in California: Although the formations appear to be quite large, they are actually only several inches tall. By getting low to the ground […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: Icelandic Blue Cave

Interesting Photo of the Day: Icelandic Blue Cave

Iceland attracts photographers from all around the world, all seeking to photograph the beauty that seems to be everywhere you look in the country. From its Northern Lights to its sweeping landscapes, there’s no questioning the photogenic nature of Iceland. But, if you still need a little persuasion, take a look at this image captured […]

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