Articles by Wayne Turner - PictureCorrect60 articles

365 Photo a Day Challenge: Start the Year Right

365 Photo a Day Challenge: Start the Year Right

I like to think of myself as an avid photographer, but there are times when the creativity wanes and the inspiration dries up. The trigger finger stiffens from lack of use and generally, I start to suffer from photographer’s malaise. This is when auto-pilot needs to kick in and get me up and running again. […]

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Tips for Great Street Photography

Tips for Great Street Photography

So what is street photography? A simple answer would be, anything goes. Basically it’s to get out onto the streets of your city and shoot anything that attracts your attention. Look for things that are different, quirky or need to be shot from a fresh angle. Forget the rules and just shoot is what some […]

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How to Bracket Exposures in Photography

How to Bracket Exposures in Photography

Many of us have heard of bracketing and then discarded it as something too difficult or impractical. But this little technique can almost guarantee you the perfect exposure every time. Let’s take a look at a few simple steps to great images. In the old days of film photography, it was difficult to bracket if […]

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Adapting to Weather and Time of Day as a Photographer

Adapting to Weather and Time of Day as a Photographer

Have you ever been in the position where your shutter finger is just itching to take some photos? You look outside and the weather is overcast and the sun is nowhere to be found. Take heart; you don’t always need the sun. Here’s why. I was always lead to believe that if there was no […]

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5 Ideas for Great Indoor Macro Photography

5 Ideas for Great Indoor Macro Photography

After writing my last article on tips for beginner macro photographers, I was sitting inside all motivated to shoot some macro images and ready to put into practice some of the keys. But it was raining, and I felt very limited as to what I could actually shoot inside. Now if I was thinking like […]

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12 Steps to Sharper Photos

12 Steps to Sharper Photos

All of us want to reach the point of crystal clear pin sharp photos. Yet there always seems to be something that takes away the final step to perfect clarity and sharpness. How do we eliminate the factors that reduce the sharpness in our images? By applying these simple steps you will see an immediate […]

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Photography Depth of Field

Photography Depth of Field

One the most fundamental techniques necessary to really to master creative photography is depth of field. It was always a bit of a mystery to me because of the link to aperture and understanding all those back to front f-numbers. I think it was more of a mental block, though, because it’s actually quite easy […]

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Practice Makes Perfect, and Gets Better Photography

Practice Makes Perfect, and Gets Better Photography

The effort you put into your photography directly affects the quality of your photos. It is a rule of life. Sometimes people are lucky, but most of the time, the result of little effort is little reward. Gary Player, a world class golfer, always said that the harder he practiced the luckier he got. Why […]

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Photography Practice: The 3 Circle Approach

Photography Practice: The 3 Circle Approach

The age-old question of the beginner photographer is… what to shoot! You have your new camera and have worked out how to use it and now what do you shoot? All dressed up and nowhere to go. Where do you get the inspiration and creativity to start taking photos? Here’s a three step approach. All […]

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Tips to Emphasize Your Subject in Photography

Tips to Emphasize Your Subject in Photography

When you watch a movie there is one element that never changes: a leading character. The whole movie centers around this leading player and the story is created around this subject. It is no different with a still image, like a photograph. Each photo should have its lead character, called the subject, around which the […]

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