Articles by Wayne Turner - Page 3 of 6 - PictureCorrect60 articles

7 Beginner Tips For Sharper Photos

7 Beginner Tips For Sharper Photos

Scott Kelby, the author of many digital photography books says, “If your photos aren’t sharp then the rest doesn’t matter.” Key to any image is its sharpness, and in order to get those photos pin sharp you need to follow some basic guidelines. There’s nothing worse than looking at a portrait photo and seeing that […]

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Elements That Make a Striking Photograph

Elements That Make a Striking Photograph

What does it take to create a really stunning image? There are six basic elements and certain factors that influence composition and make a really great image. If you can understand these and learn to apply them successfully, then you’re on your way to top photos. Now although there are all of these elements to […]

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The Exposure Triangle in Photography

The Exposure Triangle in Photography

Why is the exposure triangle so important to creative photography? Well, without it there is no creativity to your photography which makes it really important. Oh, you don’t know what the exposure triangle is? It’s your three most fundamental keys in photography: aperture, shutter speed, and ISO, which together control how much light reaches your […]

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Garden Bird Photography Tips

Garden Bird Photography Tips

The great thing about photographing garden birds is that it’s much easier than going out to a reserve or park, and therefore much simpler for beginners. When starting out with bird photography, you want to minimize expensive equipment until you know that you enjoy it and are capable enough to pursue it. Bird photography at […]

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Viewpoint and Angles in Photography

Viewpoint and Angles in Photography

The point and shoot generation creates a problem when attempting to shoot great images. If you tend to point and shoot without much thought, you are already at a disadvantage when trying to take a great photo. Finding the nearest viewpoint and pushing the shutter button will hardly ever result in a great image. The […]

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Tips for Using Perspective and Scale in Photography

Tips for Using Perspective and Scale in Photography

The world we live in is three dimensional. We see in three dimensions, yet when we photograph, we see only two dimensions. In order to create images that add a third dimension, we need to add some perspective or depth. The big question is what is perspective and how do we add it? Because we […]

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5 Tips to Take Your Photography to the Next Level

5 Tips to Take Your Photography to the Next Level

I was asked the other day how someone who has started photography with a great new camera can begin learning how to take great images and become a better photographer. This is a question that pops up everywhere in forums and discussion groups across the internet. It’s probably the reason you have arrived here at […]

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Understanding Color in Photography

Understanding Color in Photography

The appropriate use of color in photography adds a dynamic element to your images that is very pleasing to the eye. The correct use of it will allow you to create photographs to be proud of. Bold colors and bright composition in your photos result in images that sell. So use color to your advantage. […]

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How to Define Yourself as a Photographer

How to Define Yourself as a Photographer

There comes a point in time when you will need to decide what type of photography you like and the specific genres you want to focus on. Most of us start out as generalists, shooting anything and everything that tickles our fancies. But eventually you need to decide on what type of photographer you are […]

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The Importance of the Subject in Your Photography

The Importance of the Subject in Your Photography

I cannot emphasize how important it is to give your subject the place of importance in an image. Its correct placement and the removal of any competition only makes the photo more effective. Besides creating photographs that are truly memorable it gives an overall quality to your photos. Let’s try something in order to illustrate […]

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