Beauty Lighting Set-up Tutorial for Portraits

Rembrandt lighting often comes to mind when discussing beauty lighting. However, it’s important to note that there are other beauty lighting techniques that are equally effective. In today’s video, photographer Gavin Hoey from Adorama takes you on a step-by-step guide to his beauty lighting setup that you can use:

“Beauty lighting is all about getting the light up in the air and going straight down onto the model.”

The most important aspect of beauty lighting is how the key light is set up. You need to have it right over the subject, so that there’s a shadow formed right below the chin. In the process of setting up the light, you also need to keep an eye on the catchlight, so the image doesn’t feel lifeless. Hoey guides you through the process meticulously in the video, so be sure not to miss it.

While shadows plan an important role for the success of beauty lighting, it is important to keep it under control. Shadows that are too dark will ruin the shot. Hoey shows how you can lift them using a silver reflector, a white reflector or a white piece of wooden board. As you can see in the comparison, each surface has its own traits.

Finally, Hoey also demonstrates how you can change the shade of the background by adding a light and altering its power. This is also a great way to separate the subject from the background.

Whether you’re a beginner photographer or an enthusiast trying to grasp the ins and outs of beauty lighting, we highly recommend watching this complete video. Beauty lighting may seem intimidating at first, but with patience and practise, you’ll be able to take pictures that’ll impress anyone.

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One response to “Beauty Lighting Set-up Tutorial for Portraits”

  1. Thank you for sharing this article.. One of the best tips

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