Captivating Flow Motion Hyperlapse Gives a Spectacular Tour of Dubai

You’ve never seen Dubai quite like this. From the air to the sea, artist Rob Whitworth takes us on an amazing tour of the UAE capital with his hyperlapse flow motion video. With almost surreal shots, Whitworth forces us through floors and walls, then flies us through the city to see spectacular shots of the the skyline and the desert:

Each beautiful photograph can stand alone as a piece of art. Dubai is a picturesque city and a photographer’s playground. Whitworth writes,

“My first impression of Dubai was that of super-tall buildings jutting out of the desert sand. However, after 3 months of exploration, research and filming, my lasting impression is of the eternal wonder of the desert and the importance it holds for the Emirati people.”

Dubai cityscape

aquarium photo

foggy city photo

Whitworth also shared some behind-the-scenes photos with us. You can see the amount of work and dedication that went into a video like this one. Take a look at some of the locations he got to shoot in as well as his hefty bag of gear.

cockpit photo

camera angle

bag with gear

desert photography

From hanging out in the cockpit of a plane to lugging around a massive bag of gear through the city, Whitworth has seen Dubai like no other, and from every angle. This is definitely inspiring for anyone planning to visit Dubai in the future or even for photographing your hometown. How else can we look at a place and share it with the world?

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