Beginner Photography126 articles

Camera Modes Photography Exercise

Camera Modes Photography Exercise

This article is to help photographers gain expertise in utilizing the most important camera modes, enabling them to adapt to different shooting situations and take their photography skills to the next level. This exercise consists of four parts, each focusing on a specific camera mode: Manual (M), Aperture Priority (A/Av), Shutter Priority (S/Tv), and Program […]

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How to Read a Camera’s Histogram

How to Read a Camera’s Histogram

The histogram is a graphical representation of the tonal range of the image, with the left side of the graph representing the shadows and the right side representing the highlights. By checking the histogram, you can determine if the image is properly exposed, or if it is underexposed or overexposed. Quick reminder: today’s quick tip […]

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What is a Megapixel?

What is a Megapixel?

There are few terms in the world of photography as ubiquitous and yet as misunderstood as the ‘megapixel.’ When choosing a new camera, the megapixel count is often one of the first specs potential buyers consider, equating it with image quality. However, a high megapixel count does not necessarily guarantee superior image quality. In this […]

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Developing a Process for Your Photography

Developing a Process for Your Photography

I remember back when I started getting into Photography, I was just in awe at the photographers whose work I followed. A little bit envious too (ok a lot). Not only of the beautiful scenery that these folks were shooting, but mainly of their skills. It felt like they were so far ahead that I’d […]

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Photography Basics: Qualities of Natural Light

Photography Basics: Qualities of Natural Light

We all know that we need light to take pictures. If you’re planning to take pictures outdoors during the daytime, you might believe that light is the least of your concerns. While that might be somewhat true, many people don’t realize that natural outdoor lighting has an effect on the overall look of their pictures. […]

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Understanding Camera Drive Modes

Understanding Camera Drive Modes

Drive modes refer to the different ways in which a digital camera can take pictures. Drive modes can be useful for different types of photography, such as action photography or group shots. Let’s take a look at the most common ones you should know. Final day reminder: only hours left for the Camera Cheat Sheets […]

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Exposure Compensation: When & How to Use It

Exposure Compensation: When & How to Use It

Today’s quick tip comes from these new Fundamental Camera Cheat Sheets which are currently 75% off for a summer sale. Exposure compensation is a feature on many cameras that allows the user to adjust the camera’s suggested exposure settings. It is often used when the camera’s meter doesn’t accurately reflect the scene being photographed (such […]

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Focal Lengths and Types of Photography

Focal Lengths and Types of Photography

Focal length is defined as the distance between the point of light ray convergence of your lens and the sensor/film (measured in millimeters). The longer the focal length, the narrower the angle of view. The shorter the focal length, the wider the angle of view. Focal length is an essential factor to consider when choosing […]

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How to Bracket Exposures in Photography

How to Bracket Exposures in Photography

Many of us have heard of bracketing and then discarded it as something too difficult or impractical. But this little technique can almost guarantee you the perfect exposure every time. Let’s take a look at a few simple steps to great images. In the old days of film photography, it was difficult to bracket if […]

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Decoding Megapixels: Why Digital Camera Sensors Use Them

Decoding Megapixels: Why Digital Camera Sensors Use Them

In the world of digital photography, the term “megapixels” is one you’re likely to encounter frequently. Whether you’re shopping for a new camera, reading photography blogs, or even just browsing through camera specs online, megapixels are often highlighted as a key feature. But what exactly are megapixels, and why are digital camera sensors measured in […]

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