Rule of thirds? Leading lines? The Fibonacci spiral? Learn it all with our deep archive of photography composition tips for beginner, intermediate and pro photographers.
If you’re into landscape photography, you know how important wide-angle lenses are. Using a short focal length allows you to capture a larger portion of the vista in front of you and provide a greater context. However, these things are easier said than done, as there are a lot of challenges that come with using […]
Composition in nature photography comes easy to some, but many new photographers struggle to find their balance. This is especially true where wildlife is concerned. There is a bit of false wisdom that says: “You should never put your animal right in the middle of the photo–only to the left or the right.” This is […]
When viewing images, do you notice that close-up shots evoke a feeling of intimacy more than those taken at a distance? It’s the fact that they were taken at close range to the photographer that creates this effect. This is what macro photography is all about. It’s taking photos up close and personal. A close-up […]
This article is based on concepts from A Modern Approach to Photographic Composition which is currently 50% off if you want to dig deeper for further training. As a photographer, there are a lot of things we have to consider when taking photographs. One of the most important ones is composition. A photo with good […]
How do we make our photographs more powerful, more pointed? Learn all about photographic composition & express yourself through effectively composed photographs with the help of this new guide. We were able to negotiate an exclusive 50% off discount for our blog readers today if you want to check it out. Found here: A Modern […]
Typically, a triptych is a work of art that has three sections or carved panels that are hinged together and can be folded or closed. The middle panel is usually the largest and is flanked by two smaller ones. But you may even come across triptychs of equal-sized panels. The triptych form appears in early […]
What makes a great picture? There is always room for creative interpretation, but if you want to create a memorable photograph, these are seven things you must do. 1. Find a clear subject Speaking of musts, every discussion about photography and composition must begin here. Before you ever hoist your camera or touch your shutter, […]
Composition tips are a dime a dozen. As a student of photography, it is up to you to decide what suits your style best. We often recommend rules that have been tried and tested, but sometimes it’s handy to go a different route. Today, we bring to you professional landscape photographer Mark Denney, who shares […]
Often the basis for composition, lines can create a sense of movement because our eyes instinctively follow them. As an essential part of composition, we should always consider any leading lines that make up part of the image. Why? Because they can be powerful. They can balance an image, link selected elements together and draw […]
Composition and composition techniques always top the charts whenever we talk about getting started with photography. You could call composition the foundation of photography; most things in photography revolve around it. This is why we find lots of resources on tips, techniques and styles of composition when starting to learn photography. In the process, the […]
We are always looking for more interesting and insightful photography tips and techniques to share with our readers. We would love to publish an article by you if you are interested in writing for us. See what we are looking for and get in touch.