Fashion Photography51 articles

Abstract Fashion Photographs Using a Mirror Prism

Abstract Fashion Photographs Using a Mirror Prism

Fashion photographers often meet the challenge of thinking of new and interesting concepts for photo shoots. In the following video, Lindsay Adler discusses her “Prismatic” fashion editorial photo shoot in which she used a mirror prism to create abstract, kaleidoscope-like photographs. This simple tool makes it possible to capture such images in-camera, instead of having […]

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Glamour, Beauty & Fashion Photography Tutorial

Glamour, Beauty & Fashion Photography Tutorial

Getting started in glamour or fashion photography and need a few pointers? The team over at Tony Northrup‘s studio have put together a great video tutorial that walks through a full spectrum of things ranging from lighting, modeling tips, and post production. Even those with no plans for a future in fashion photography may learn […]

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Combining Fire with Fashion Photography

Combining Fire with Fashion Photography

Ben Von Wong has released yet another pyrotechnic photography tutorial complete with behind the scenes footage and insights. As you may remember, Von Wong first captured our attention with his steel wool light painting tutorial and has since been supplying the internet with a steady stream of this highly specialized style of photography. The idea in […]

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The Rise of Photographers at Fashion Shows and How it is Affecting the Industry

The Rise of Photographers at Fashion Shows and How it is Affecting the Industry

If there’s one thing that’s certain in the world of photography, it’s that the number of photographers has increased exponentially with the digital revolution. Since technology has made photography more accessible, the industry has experienced a pronounced rise in interest. In the short film below, aptly titled Take My Picture, Garage Magazine tells the story […]

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Fashion Photography Tips and Workflow Strategies

Fashion Photography Tips and Workflow Strategies

If you’ve never seen a high-end fashion photo shoot before, then take a look. I’ve seen dozens of other photo shoots of products and models, but never one that gives you the same sense of hecticness that this one does. It’s obvious that a lot of work goes on behind the scenes to set up […]

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Fashion Photography Shot in Medium Format

Fashion Photography Shot in Medium Format

First, on a technical note, “medium format photography” refers (on a basic notion) to a shooting format that is somewhere between a full-frame (35mm) and a large-format (4×5 inches). In digital photography, medium format refers both to the cameras adapted from medium format film and to the cameras using sensors larger than 35mm. Also, and as you […]

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Film Noir Fashion Photography

Film Noir Fashion Photography

Film Noir is moody, dark and dramatic. In this video we go behind the scenes with photographer Aaron Nace on a Film Noir style photo shoot. A very important part of this style is the display of emotion in each photo, to emphasize the story of each scene. Take a look: Not only does Aaron Nace […]

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Displaying Confidence as a Photographer to Lead Bold Fashion Photo Sessions

Displaying Confidence as a Photographer to Lead Bold Fashion Photo Sessions

Peter Coulson describes his work as “strong, sensual and mysteriously elegant with a twist of my screwed up sense of humor.” And he is certainly right, judging by this behind the scenes video. I was primarily impressed by how much confidence as a photographer and leadership this type of photo shoot would require: So, how […]

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Winter Lifestyle Fashion Photography

Winter Lifestyle Fashion Photography

Ever wonder what it was like to take a fashion photo shoot outside on a blustery, winter day? Below, you can take a behind the scenes look at a shoot that has done just that. Join photographer, Chris Lambeth, and his crew as they take to the snow covered streets with their model for the […]

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Bright Color Fashion Portraits on a White Background

Bright Color Fashion Portraits on a White Background

In fashion photography, the photographs should be all about the model. It’s easy to get carried away with lighting and props that ultimately distract from the model’s style. In some cases, props can add to the photograph; however, as Lindsey Adler explains in a behind the scenes video clip, using a plain backdrop and simple […]

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