Flash Photography160 articles

New: Electronic Flash Photography Guide at 52% Off

New: Electronic Flash Photography Guide at 52% Off

Using an electronic flash can really be quite daunting when you start out, and it doesn’t help that the manuals are not user friendly. This guide should cover just about every question that you might have regarding your portable flash. We were able to negotiate a 52% discount for our readers today if you want to […]

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How to do Splash Photography Without Flash: Tutorial

How to do Splash Photography Without Flash: Tutorial

When we think of splash photography we immediately think of expensive flashes and triggers. It is unthinkable to shoot splash photography with natural light. Add to that an inexpensive camera and lens, and you have yourself something that seems like a poor man’s creative setup. But will it work? Dustin Dolby from Workphlo elaborates: Equipment […]

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Tutorial Using Flash to Overpower Ambient Light

Tutorial Using Flash to Overpower Ambient Light

You’ve probably come across some images where the subject is well exposed while the background is completely black. While it is still possible that some of those shots were taken in a studio with a black background, it’s also possible to achieve similar results outdoors, even in broad daylight. Photographer Ed Verosky demonstrates: By tweaking […]

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Better Photo Tips: Flash Points

Better Photo Tips: Flash Points

It is human nature when taking a photo of someone’s face to look them in the eye. Most built-in flashes are only about one inch or so above the viewfinder. So if you are looking your subject in the eye and they are looking you in the eye, it stands to reason that the flash is […]

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Using Flash Photography Along with Ambient Light

Using Flash Photography Along with Ambient Light

With careful use of flash, you can make your photos look natural—as though no artificial lighting had been used. Certain flash photography techniques can enhance the photo by further reducing contrast while looking very natural. It’s a dream of all photographers to look for the balance in lighting whenever they photograph a subject, but most […]

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Advanced Off-Camera Flash Photography

Advanced Off-Camera Flash Photography

Isn’t it funny how you can just spot pro-caliber photos? They stand out. They POP in some special way. Know why? Here’s a hint: they masterfully add LIGHT to their photos. This new in-depth course is designed to help you give your photos that unmistakeable, polished, jaw-dropping “professional” look. Found here: Advanced Off-Camera Flash Photography In […]

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Real Estate Photography Flash Setup

Real Estate Photography Flash Setup

Shooting real estate can be a lofty goal for any new photographer. Unlike portraiture, the real estate industry is challenging and competitive. The clients are usually more demanding. In addition to that, there are many aspects of it that you have to learn. One of the necessary parts of real estate photography is using flash. […]

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How to Shoot With Flash in Harsh Sunlight

How to Shoot With Flash in Harsh Sunlight

Location shooting with a model can be great, especially when it’s cloudy or you manage to catch the golden hour at sunrise or sunset. But what about those times when the sun is high and bright? There is a way to shoot in strong sunlight, and that’s by using flash to balance the sunlight out. […]

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Light Painting Photography with a Simple Tube and Flashlight

Light Painting Photography with a Simple Tube and Flashlight

Just when you thought you’d seen everything that you could do with a camera and a flashlight, photographer Eric Paré shares something new. Here, he shows us how to light paint with a tube light for amazing long exposures: You might be wondering, “What’s new about light painting? Isn’t that something that we’ve seen already?” […]

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High Speed Sync Flash vs Standard Flash for Portraits on Location

High Speed Sync Flash vs Standard Flash for Portraits on Location

When you’re shooting portraits at a location with a mixture of ambient and artificial light, how do you make sure your lighting setup works? The trick, usually, is in underexposing for the ambient light by one to two stops. This helps keep the details in the sky and adds drama to shot. But there’s more […]

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