Interesting Photos1232 articles

Interesting Photo of the Day: Lost Lake Waterfall

Interesting Photo of the Day: Lost Lake Waterfall

Lost Lake may not receive much attention during its rainy fall and winter seasons, but once summertime hits, this Oregon lake location garners plenty of attention. The increase in attention occurs during the dry months of summer when the entire 85 acres of lake water eventually vanishes and turns into a meadow. But before it […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: Pokot Woman Skeptically Holding a Ring Flash

Interesting Photo of the Day: Pokot Woman Skeptically Holding a Ring Flash

There are many reasons why a photograph may be thought-provoking, and of course, each image invokes different feelings and ideas for its viewer. It is perhaps the intense detail, emotion, and juxtaposition in this image of a Pokot woman and a ring flash that make it so interesting: Photographer and ethnologist Eric Lafforgue set out […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: Atlas V Rocket Launch

Interesting Photo of the Day: Atlas V Rocket Launch

Satellite launches are incredible sights. The loud thrum of the rockets firing, lifting the giant thing off the ground and pulling it into outer space is enthralling. Every long exposure photographer yearns for an opportunity to photograph a satellite launch. However, these launches are restricted, and photographers can only photograph them from a fair distance. […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: Long Exposure of a Rocket Launch

Interesting Photo of the Day: Long Exposure of a Rocket Launch

There are no special effects at work in this magical-looking image taken by Mike Killian. The photograph documents the rocket launch of two Van Allen Probes, which are currently orbiting our planet to gather information about the sun’s effect on the Earth and its atmosphere from Earth’s radiation belts: The curve of the rocket’s trail […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: Ocean Wave Sculpture

Interesting Photo of the Day: Ocean Wave Sculpture

Ocean waves are more than the natural phenomenon of wind and tides. They are a vessel of powerful kinetic energy and a liquefied prism—a true source of inspiration for French photographer Pierre Carreau. The suspended motion creates a sculptural quality allowing the viewer to appreciate every curve and every ripple of a rolling wave: Growing […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: 37,000 Flags Planted in Boston Common for Memorial Day

Interesting Photo of the Day: 37,000 Flags Planted in Boston Common for Memorial Day

Boston Magazine’s Associate Digital Editor, Yiqing Shao, was recently assigned to cover the Flag Garden in Boston Common, an annual event which takes place every Memorial Day weekend; one American Flag is “planted” into the lawn for every Massachusetts resident that has fallen at war dating from the Revolutionary War through present time. This year’s […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: Amazing Drone Portrait from Jungfrau Summit

Interesting Photo of the Day: Amazing Drone Portrait from Jungfrau Summit

An epic journey calls for an epic photograph. This jaw-dropping portrait was taken by staff of Mammut after their climb to a 4,158 meter summit of the Jungfrau. The Jungfrau is one of the main summits located in the Bernese Alps of Switzerland: The photograph was taken for the Mammut summer campaign, which marked the […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: Jane Goodall Greets a Baby Chimpanzee

Interesting Photo of the Day: Jane Goodall Greets a Baby Chimpanzee

Photography has always allowed us to document momentous events in history. In this photo, pioneering primatologist Jane Goodall greets a young chimpanzee named Flint in Tanzania’s Gombe Stream Game Reserve. Photographed by Hugo van Lawick, the photo series titled “New Discoveries Among Africa’s Chimpanzees” ran in the December 1965 issue of National Geographic: After receiving her first research grant from […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: Big Sur 360 Degree Panorama

Interesting Photo of the Day: Big Sur 360 Degree Panorama

Randy Scott Slavin, a New York based photographer and director, has created a series called Alternate Perspectives. Slavin creates otherworldly images by merging multiple shots into a stereographic projection or 360° panorama. This fantastic shot is called “Big Sur”: Slavin’s work has been shown in galleries and was featured in the December 2012 issue of […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: Parachutist at High Altitude

Interesting Photo of the Day: Parachutist at High Altitude

If you like moody sepia tones, then you’re totally going to fall for this skydiving selfie (pun very much intended), which was posted by timothy53: The so labeled “skydiver” in the image is actually a member of Go-Parachuting, a company that provides military parachute systems testing and training for the French special forces. There is some […]

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