Interesting Photos1232 articles

Interesting Photo of the Day: Man-made Patterns

Interesting Photo of the Day: Man-made Patterns

If you thought the cookie-cutter housing model only existed in the U.S., think again. Below is a photo of a several houses in Tibet, or rather, one house repeated a hundred times. The landscape on which the houses sit provides a neat perspective from which to view them. It almost looks as if the houses […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: Light Painting Portrait

Interesting Photo of the Day: Light Painting Portrait

Some days you come across images that are absolutely amazing just to find out that they were heavily Photoshopped. And then there are images like this one shot by photographer Zach Alan which is a single exposure: Alan shot the image on a Sony A7RII with a Sigma 35mm Art lens using high powered flashlights […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: Sunset over Ceahlau

Interesting Photo of the Day: Sunset over Ceahlau

Photographer Lazar Ovidiu has managed to make a frozen landscape look almost warm in this magical shot of a sunset over Romania: Ovidiu captured this photograph on the Ceahlau Massif, a mountain in the Carpathians, using a Canon 7D and Tokina’s 12-24mm ultrawide lens.

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Interesting Photo of the Day: Long Exposure UV Filter Trick

Interesting Photo of the Day: Long Exposure UV Filter Trick

If you simply glance at this image for a second, the trick will probably allude you. This eye-catching image is actually a composite of two. The photographer used a $2 UV filter as a prop to make this happen: Ansh Passi made the first shot depicting the construction site as a normal long exposure. He […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: Night Sky Over Mont Blanc

Interesting Photo of the Day: Night Sky Over Mont Blanc

Swiss photographer Luan Baruti has always had a special connection to the land. And for good reason—based in the sleepy village of Leukerbad nestled in the Swiss Alps, it’s hard not to be enamored by your surroundings. Needless to say, today’s stunning image stems from Baruti’s unbridled passion for fantastic landscapes: The sharpness and detail of […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: The Brilliant Blue of a Rolling Iceberg

Interesting Photo of the Day: The Brilliant Blue of a Rolling Iceberg

Why can’t ice cubes from our refrigerators look like this? Well, glacial ice isn’t just frozen water; it’s dense, compacted snow that gets that surreal, glowing blue hue from its crystalline structure — it scatters blue light, so that’s what we see. Whether it’s a cool, icy aquamarine or a brilliant turquoise, that glacial shade of […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: Where Lava Meets the Ocean

Interesting Photo of the Day: Where Lava Meets the Ocean

Kilauea is a massive shield volcano on the Big Island of Hawaii. As anyone who’s visited can tell you, it’s a frightening, awesome, captivating experience; you can walk on cracks with glowing orange lava deep beneath and feel the heat pulsating from the center of the earth. In this photo, Hawaiian photographer Tom Kualii captures beautifully the meeting […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: Is There a Unicorn in Kyrgyzstan?

Interesting Photo of the Day: Is There a Unicorn in Kyrgyzstan?

One of the most beautiful mountain ranges in the world is the Tien Shan mountain range in Central Asia. Moscow photographer, Daniel (Kordan) Korzhonov spent some time there and captured some amazing moments and scenery, including “Unicorn” which portrays a majestic white horse grazing in a field before a stunning mountain peak: Equal parts physicist, photographer, world traveler, […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: Squirrel Battle

Interesting Photo of the Day: Squirrel Battle

On a visit to Etosha National Park in Namibia, photographer David J Slater captured this high action shot of Cape Ground Squirrels fighting over bits of food the photographer tossed to them. After placing a little snack in front of his camera lens, a curious squirrel would come over to have a bite, only to […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: Adorable Wild Boar Piglet

Interesting Photo of the Day: Adorable Wild Boar Piglet

While this little guy may grow up to be a destructive, dangerous nuisance, here in this moment caught by Sander van der Wel, he’s just a cute, harmless piglet out for a playful romp in the woods: The photographer was able to get a clean, crisp close-up shot of the wild boar piglet, or as […]

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