Interesting Photos1232 articles

Interesting Photo of the Day: View of the Clouds From a Peak

Interesting Photo of the Day: View of the Clouds From a Peak

Have you ever gotten a view above the clouds? You must either be in an aircraft or atop a high peak, right? In this case, it’s a view above the Alps that displays a gorgeous bed of clouds. The photographer had to trek to the top for this one, as suggested by his hiking poles and […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: A Seal Selfie… a Sealfie?

Interesting Photo of the Day: A Seal Selfie… a Sealfie?

Seals are generally pretty happy-looking creatures, but rarely do they flaunt it—you know, the way humans tend to via prideful selfies. Not this one, however: This adorable moment comes courtesy of Dr. Alexander Mustard, a marine biologist and underwater photographer who seems like the perfect candidate for this adorable photo shoot. He shot it off the coast of the Farne […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: These Three Bull Bison Mean Serious Business

Interesting Photo of the Day: These Three Bull Bison Mean Serious Business

During his 7-year stint living at Yellowstone National Park, nature photographer Steve Hinch had the opportunity to create an amazing variety of landscape and wildlife images, including this intense shot of three bull bison who clearly mean serious business: On his website, Hinch describes the three guidelines that he follows when he photographs wildlife. First, he never closely approaches a wild animal or […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day:  A Lonesome Tree Among Fairy Circles

Interesting Photo of the Day: A Lonesome Tree Among Fairy Circles

The image below was shot while flying over Namibia. It shows a single tree thriving among a field of rather enigmatic “fairy circles”. The fairy circles have been a mystery among the scientific realms for quite some time, and recent studies have hinted at a certain type of termite causing the rings of prairie grass […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: SpaceX’s First Reused Rocket Launch

Interesting Photo of the Day: SpaceX’s First Reused Rocket Launch

Thanks to the internet and the incredible interest in space exploration, an image of a rocket lifting off a launch pad is nothing extraordinary. And yet this image is here; it’s SpaceX’s first reused rocket launch. This makes future low cost space missions a serious possibility, which is kind of a big deal: “I set a camera […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: An Idaho Backpacker

Interesting Photo of the Day: An Idaho Backpacker

How did you spend your summer? Reddit user sinisterspud spent much of his hiking through the mountains of Idaho. If the photo evidence is any indication, it was a good summer: The shot was taken during a trip to Baron Lake, an area surrounded by mountains, nestled between the national forests of Sawtooth, Boise, and Salmon-Challis. […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: Colors Over Everest

Interesting Photo of the Day: Colors Over Everest

Sure, you’ve seen photos of Mt. Everest. You may have even seen a rainbow over Mt. Everest. But have you ever seen an upside-down rainbow over Mt. Everest? This shot—which sacrifices underexposure on the mountain to emphasize the dazzling color of the rainbow—was taken by Neha Gadhari, a hiker and NatGeo community member who stumbled upon […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: Sea Foam Splash

Interesting Photo of the Day: Sea Foam Splash

In photography, there’s a lot you can learn from others—but even more that you can teach yourself. Being able to walk around and see the things that other people don’t notice is an ability that plays a large role in improving your photography. For example, in this image, someone walking down a beach sees wave […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: Panorama of the Southern Lights

Interesting Photo of the Day: Panorama of the Southern Lights

You know about the Northern Lights—that is, the Aurora Borealis. Witnessing them in person probably made it onto your bucket list long before you ever took up photography, and now that you’ve got the gear, you probably dream of trekking the arctic in search of them from time to time. But did you know that the Aurora Borealis has an […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: Stunning Icelandic Landscape

Interesting Photo of the Day: Stunning Icelandic Landscape

Photographer Tim Kemple was in Iceland on an eight day long trek, during which the rugged landscape, majestic mountains, volcanic activity, and the Northern Lights all came together. On the eight day of the trip, he managed to capture this stunning long exposure of an ice climber inside an iceberg against the awe-inspiring aurora-lit Icelandic […]

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