Landscape Photography368 articles

As landscape photographers, it’s our job to catch the emotional essence of a place and show it to others. We want to inspire people with the beauty of a world they might never even have known existed.

Learn to snap jaw-dropping wallpaper-quality photographs with our tried-and-true landscape photography tips:

Exposure Blending: 7 Critical Mistakes to Avoid

Exposure Blending: 7 Critical Mistakes to Avoid

This article comes from Steve Arnold, creator of the Luminosity Masking Panel (currently 50% off) which promises to make sure you never fall foul of these exposure blending issues, and guarantees you a natural and realistic looking end result every single time. When blending bracketed exposures in my landscapes, I like everything to look as […]

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How to Use Focus Stacking for Tack Sharp Photographs

How to Use Focus Stacking for Tack Sharp Photographs

Due to limitations of our lenses, getting tack sharp exposures in which the foreground and background are both in perfect focus can sometimes be difficult. Fortunately, the clever folks behind Adobe Photoshop have implemented a very helpful tool into the popular image editing software. Using Photoshop’s stacking tool allows you to stack multiple images into […]

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Grey Sky Landscape Photography Tips

Grey Sky Landscape Photography Tips

The sky is a vital part of most of the landscape photographs. Whether it be colorful skies during sunrise and sunset or cloud patterns, landscape photographers always look to include these elements in their photographs. But nature is ever changing and one cannot expect the sky to be breathtaking every time. So what can you […]

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How to Use a Neutral Density Filter for Dynamic Landscapes

How to Use a Neutral Density Filter for Dynamic Landscapes

Neutral density filters are used to block some of the light coming into the lens so that we can have longer exposure times than the available light would allow without the filter. For landscape photography, neutral density filters are indispensable. How Does a Neutral Density Filter Work? To explain how a neutral density filter works, […]

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Landscape Photographer Shares Tips to Overcome Creative Block

Landscape Photographer Shares Tips to Overcome Creative Block

No matter how long you’ve been taking photos, at times it must feel like your photography isn’t improving. Honestly, these sort of speed bumps are common. Don’t let such feelings drag you down. There are a lot of things you can do that can help you get better and overcome your creative block. Professional landscape […]

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Landscape Photographer Shares Tips to Save Money on Gear

Landscape Photographer Shares Tips to Save Money on Gear

It is quite common for photographers, especially new ones, to have the constant urge to buy new equipment. Some hope that new camera gear will improve their photography. Others do it just to own the latest and greatest gear. While we don’t recommend buying camera gear just for the sake of it, you can always […]

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Leading Lines in Landscape Photography

Leading Lines in Landscape Photography

Composition and good photography go hand in hand. Anyone can (with practice) perfect the technical skills to take a well exposed photo. It’s your flair for composition that will set your photos apart from the crowd. The difficulty is, while technical photography can be taught using concrete rules and numbers, composition is a little more […]

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4 Critical Guidelines to Great Landscape Photography

4 Critical Guidelines to Great Landscape Photography

Landscape photography is a favorite genre amongst many photographers, including me. And if composed and executed properly, it can give astounding results. In fact there are so many top photographers who have contributed so much to the genre of landscape photography that it has now grown to have a life of its own. Leaving aside […]

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Capturing Natural Drama in Landscapes & Cityscapes Webinar

Capturing Natural Drama in Landscapes & Cityscapes Webinar

For all the landscape & cityscape photographers out there, pro photographer Serge Ramelli is doing a free webinar live from Tuscany with some valuable tips and a free eBook. His 5 Step System To Natural Drama is the easiest-to-understand book ever written on Lightroom. In this book readers will learn the secrets to taking stunning […]

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Watch a Pro Landscape Photographer Edit RAW Images

Watch a Pro Landscape Photographer Edit RAW Images

It is always fascinating to see how pro photographers work with raw files. Many times, the final images come out much better. We’re left wondering how they edit their photos. If you’ve ever asked this, we have the perfect video for you—professional landscape photographer Nigel Danson takes you through his editing process and shows you […]

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