As landscape photographers, it’s our job to catch the emotional essence of a place and show it to others. We want to inspire people with the beauty of a world they might never even have known existed.
Learn to snap jaw-dropping wallpaper-quality photographs with our tried-and-true landscape photography tips:
Deciding on what lens to get can be tough. It can be even more difficult than deciding on what camera to buy. On the one hand, there are measurable variables like focal length, aperture, weight, and size. On the other, there’s sharpness and image quality. The latter two are something that normal eyes can’t differentiate […]
Black-and-white landscape photography is a great way to emphasize the rugged landscape, patterns and textures of a scene. With no colors to distract viewers, your lens can focus on the mood, story, feeling and emotions of the scenario. In this video, photographer Chris Sale shares five practical tips on black-and-white landscape photography with some editing […]
Composition tips are a dime a dozen. As a student of photography, it is up to you to decide what suits your style best. We often recommend rules that have been tried and tested, but sometimes it’s handy to go a different route. Today, we bring to you professional landscape photographer Mark Denney, who shares […]
We often come across photographers asking each other about gear. And while it’s a cliche to point out that gear doesn’t make photographers great, we shouldn’t disregard technology entirely—as it constantly changes, we owe it to ourselves to stay updated. For instance, with video becoming more important, camera specs have changed significantly. In today’s video, […]
People jump to grab their wide-angle lenses when going out for a landscape photography trip. It makes sense—after all, photographing landscapes is about capturing wide vistas and the best bits of nature in a frame. But this doesn’t mean you cannot do landscape photography with a telephoto lens. Like photographer Michael Shainblum discusses in this […]
A lot of hardcore landscape photographers get into the habit of chasing light. In order to get that perfect morning or evening light, they end up leaving their homes and traveling to unknown places at the oddest hours. Also, landscape photography often changes us into constant travelers who go to distinct places around the world […]
Many of us landscape photographers love to go to faraway places in search of mountains, vistas and woodlands to photograph. This obsession sometimes makes us forget about the gems that we often have right at our doorsteps. It could be just a matter of paying more attention to those landscapes or changing the perspective to […]
Most of us are quite gullible when starting our photography journey. We end up believing most of what other “professionals” recommend. Whether it’s photography tips, tricks or purchase recommendations, beginner photographers are easily influenced. Today’s video tackles that very subject, cutting through the noise to provide honest advice. Professional landscape photographer Nigel Danson addresses some […]
As beginner and intermediate photographers, we invest a lot of time going through articles and videos to help learn more about the craft. As we know, only few of them are worthwhile. Today’s is one of the good ones: we bring to you five techniques that will help you elevate your landscape photography to the […]
When we think of landscape photography, we usually think of mountains and forests. With those in mind, you may think your choice of shutter speed doesn’t really matter. Those mountains aren’t going anywhere, right? Except there’s more to landscape photography than that. Consider clouds, rivers, waterfalls and waves—these elements move constantly. Your choice of shutter […]
We are always looking for more interesting and insightful photography tips and techniques to share with our readers. We would love to publish an article by you if you are interested in writing for us. See what we are looking for and get in touch.