Landscape Photography368 articles

As landscape photographers, it’s our job to catch the emotional essence of a place and show it to others. We want to inspire people with the beauty of a world they might never even have known existed.

Learn to snap jaw-dropping wallpaper-quality photographs with our tried-and-true landscape photography tips:

Landscape Photography

Landscape Photography

Landscape photography is a great field of photography, especially if you love nature and if you love to travel. You can travel the world taking pictures of beautiful scenes across many countries. Of course, this is landscape photography on a big scale. Not many people are lucky enough to start off traveling the world.

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What Are Architectural Landscape Photos?

What Are Architectural Landscape Photos?

There aren’t many but some of us take an interest in architectural landscape photos. With a view to giving some insight on this subject I have created this article to give a basic understanding and supply some facts about its origins.

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Composition in Landscape Photography – Pleasing the Viewer’s Eye

Composition in Landscape Photography – Pleasing the Viewer’s Eye

Beautiful subjects and technical ability are not enough to make a good picture. Photographers must properly compose the photo, too. Composition should be pleasing and harmonious; it should help driving the viewer’s eye through our picture as we desire.

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A Look at the Different Types of Landscape Photography Today

A Look at the Different Types of Landscape Photography Today

To my mind there are two distinctly different types of landscape photography around. That of the natural landscape photography, and that of the urban landscape photography. Both have their pros and both have their cons, and it’s really up to the photographer and their sense of imagination to get across to us a grand scene.

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Filters For Landscape Photography

Filters For Landscape Photography

Filters are used in photography to bring back an image to the way our eyes have perceived the original scene. Some times it’s not possible for our cameras to record an exact scene – so we have to rely on the manufacturers of camera products.

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Improving Your Landscape Images…Part 2

Improving Your Landscape Images…Part 2

If you are only going to buy one filter for your landscape photography a polarizing filter is the one you’ll use most. A polarizing filter can be used with colour or black and white and is probably the most important filter on the market today.

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Take Beautiful Landscape and Nature Photos

Take Beautiful Landscape and Nature Photos

First thing that you must know is that to get really great landscape and nature shots you really need an SLR with appropriate film for the job, but these tips will help you even if you are using a point and shoot.

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How to Retouch and Edit Landscape Photos

How to Retouch and Edit Landscape Photos

This tutorial is to help you learn how to adjust landscape photos to bring out the detail of the background and horizon. Much of the time a digital camera will bring out the colors more in the foreground, but with this tutorial you can learn how to emphasize the whole scene.

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