As landscape photographers, it’s our job to catch the emotional essence of a place and show it to others. We want to inspire people with the beauty of a world they might never even have known existed.
Learn to snap jaw-dropping wallpaper-quality photographs with our tried-and-true landscape photography tips:
Today’s case study on an award-winning landscape photo was kindly shared with us by Ignacio Palacios, author of the 10 Ingredients of Composition Mastery which is designed to help photographers of all skill levels master photography composition. How ‘Confront’ became ‘Heartbroken’… If I’m honest with myself, and courageous enough to say it, I feel that […]
In today’s featured video, Gavin Hardcastle is here to share a technique with you to capture sharp images. He explains that this technique is not about sharpening your images in post-production, but about capturing the sharpest image possible in-camera: The most commonly asked question he has received in the last 10 to 13 years is […]
Filters can do wonders for your landscape photography when used correctly. That said, it does not mean simply using any sort of filter will cut it. There are different types of filters with different functions, and using them without properly understanding their impact will only hurt your photography. Take for instance a screw-type filter versus […]
Number One: If you have read any of my previous photography guides then you probably know that I strongly recommend shooting in RAW format. Why is this so important? The answer simply boils down to control. Shoot in Camera RAW Format When you set your digital camera to automatically convert your images to JPEGs, you […]
When photographing reflections, you’re looking to capture the reflection of specific elements or to capture the ambiance of the scene by including reflections of color. Common elements to reflect in the scene are trees, animals, man-made structures, and clouds. Common elements to reflect color in the scene are clouds, sky, sunset and sunrise reds, oranges, […]
Landscape photography can be a challenging but rewarding hobby. In this video, photographer Mads Peter Iversen shares 10 quick and essential photography tricks for making your landscape photos stand out from the average Joe with a mobile phone: One of the first tricks is to try different and unique perspectives. Instead of just photographing a […]
Are you one of those photographers who complete their entire editing process within Lightroom? Or do you find yourself exporting your images from Lightroom to Photoshop before you’re happy with your edits? Lightroom is definitely worth learning; however, Photoshop is better at many tasks. This is exactly why photographer Mark Denney finds himself bouncing between […]
When trekking on an outdoor adventure with camera in tow, many people’s first instinct is to stick to their widest angle lens like glue in order to fit the most of their surroundings into their images. While wide angle lenses do an excellent job of capturing expansive landscapes, many photographers who strictly abide to their […]
Often we come across landscapes that truly take our breath away. They can be so beautiful that they sometimes leave us questioning whether they’re real or something out of fantasy. Spending time in such beautiful locations can be a great experience for someone looking to take a break and spiritually heal. India is one of […]
The problem with most landscape photography is that not enough preparation is put into setting up the shot before it is taken. These tips are meant to give the photographer some things to think about before releasing the shutter. 1. Depth of Field Most professional landscape photographers want everything in the shot to be equally […]
We are always looking for more interesting and insightful photography tips and techniques to share with our readers. We would love to publish an article by you if you are interested in writing for us. See what we are looking for and get in touch.