As landscape photographers, it’s our job to catch the emotional essence of a place and show it to others. We want to inspire people with the beauty of a world they might never even have known existed.
Learn to snap jaw-dropping wallpaper-quality photographs with our tried-and-true landscape photography tips:
There has always been a heated discussion about the importance of having the best gear with you. And in this context, you might have heard that gears do not matter a lot of times. However, landscape photographer Mads Peter Iversen believes that they do matter. It’s just that there’s nothing such as the “best gear”. […]
When you see a landscape image in a bright and sunny setting, you feel cheerful. Contrarily, when you see another image with gloomy clouds, you lose the excitement; it forces you to think about what you’re looking at. Such is the power of mood in photography. They have the ability to evoke emotions. So, how […]
When heading out to take some landscape shots, good results aren’t always guaranteed. Some days are better than others, like when you end up with beautiful looking images as planned. For those days that are against you, editing can be a last resort to transform an average looking image to something that’s print worthy. Photographer […]
How many times have you been driving and wanted to stop and take a shot of that breathtaking landscape. You then stop, look around and the shot even looks better. Your heart even skips a beat. You go for it and return to the car with a huge smile. When you get back home you […]
Photographs with a minimalistic approach tend to stand out from the rest. That’s because a successful photograph with a minimalistic approach often provokes a deeper meaning while having a composition that appears pretty simple. And even if you aren’t so great at capturing such though provoking photographs, you can give it a shot using a […]
What better way to get up and close to nature and take some gorgeous landscape shots than by camping out? And the great thing about camping out is that you not only get to take some incredible photos, but you’ll also get to go out on a great adventure. Besides photography purposes, this can be […]
Ask any photographer and they can tell you how important composition is. Further, they’ll also be able to share with you a ton of techniques to improve composition. However, not all such composition techniques are fool proof. And some of them tend to complicate the scene. In fact, there are only a handful of such […]
Landscape photography is not only about having the best looking landscapes in your frame. It is also greatly influenced by the sky conditions, or let’s say the cloud conditions. Clouds not only affect lighting, but they also have a great impact on the mood of the photograph. So, whenever you’re composing your photos, it is […]
Software is smarter than ever before. For photographers, this has greatly simplified the editing workflow and made complex tasks easier. A great example is when Adobe introduced range masks some years back. This allowed photographers to quickly create masks based on a certain color or brightness, thereby saving time. This time around, with a recent […]
Exposure in photography can be subjective. When deciding whether the exposure on a particular image is overexposed, underexposed or just right, the definitions can be vague. So what’s the best way to decide your exposure settings? Your camera comes with tools that can help you, but how seriously you adhere to those is up to […]
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