Photography News499 articles

Photos You Probably Haven’t Deleted from Your Smartphone

Photos You Probably Haven’t Deleted from Your Smartphone

“Smile!” *click* “Oooh! I’m posting that one on Facebook!” With the use of smartphones as cameras, conversations like this are overheard on a daily basis. Many people either don’t want to shell out the money for a DSLR or simply don’t have their camera handy, so they’re turning to their phones to capture life’s special […]

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Ultra Slow Motion of Dogs Shaking Inspired by Viral Photo Series

Ultra Slow Motion of Dogs Shaking Inspired by Viral Photo Series

Some say the secret to success in photography is finding your niche. Whereas genres cover landscapes, portraits, street photography, sports, etc., niches cover things like WWII veterans in modern day society, Arkansas state parks during the fall season, and still-lifes of objects that look like smiley faces. Many niches may seem obscure, but all have […]

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Stop Motion Music Video Made from 4,000 Portrait Photos

Stop Motion Music Video Made from 4,000 Portrait Photos

Head in a cloud. It’s the final line in the chorus of The Paper Kites’ new single “Young.” And it’s also the way viewers feel as they watch the song’s music video—a stop motion masterpiece created by Oh Yeah Wow that combines over 4,000 headshots of 350 different models. As the video rapidly shifts between […]

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Photographer Documents His Beloved Wife’s Heartbreaking Battle with Cancer

Photographer Documents His Beloved Wife’s Heartbreaking Battle with Cancer

I guess this is one of those posts where I’m supposed to tout the power of photography, to congratulate myself and all of you for taking part in an art form whose immediacy can sometimes transcend the times and places it records. But, honestly, I don’t want you to think about photography, or art, or […]

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Smartphones Continue to Destroy Wedding Photography and Weddings in General

Smartphones Continue to Destroy Wedding Photography and Weddings in General

You may remember our post “The Curse of the Wedding Photography Wrecker,” which shared a KTXL FOX40 “Don’t Be That Guy” news segment showing smartphone-wielding wedding guests getting in the way of the professional photographer. The video showed guests getting up-close-and-personal with couples during their vows, when they cut the cake, and even during the first dance. […]

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Man Achieves Breakthrough in the Pursuit of Perfect Image Stabilization

Man Achieves Breakthrough in the Pursuit of Perfect Image Stabilization

Dave, a seasoned cameraman, has always been searching for the Holy Grail of photography—“that steady shot, that really stable picture.” When he’s not shooting, Dave is holed away in his man cave, inventing creative rigs aimed at stabilizing photographs and video footage. Dave’s football helmet DSLR clearly puts the GoPro to shame, and yet he’s […]

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Newspaper Responds Poorly to Copyright Infringment Claim

Newspaper Responds Poorly to Copyright Infringment Claim

What happens when you are flipping through a magazine and stumble across a photo that you took that the magazine stole from you, never having asked permission (much less paid) to use the image? When a similar scenario happened to professional music photographer, Kristen Pierson, she did what any self respecting photographer would do, she […]

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Wedding Photographer Scams Clients out of $140,000

Wedding Photographer Scams Clients out of $140,000

At weddings, no guest is perhaps more valued than the photographer. Charged with capturing priceless, fleeting moments of a once-in-a-lifetime event, wedding photographers had better deliver. In Little Falls, New Jersey, however, one wedding photographer has proven to be interested in only one thing: money. Operating under the alias Michael Distasio, a photographer named Michael […]

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Shameless Student Wins Multiple High Profile Contests With Stolen Photos

Shameless Student Wins Multiple High Profile Contests With Stolen Photos

Saddening news spread over the internet this weekend as it was revealed that the Grand Prize winner of the Smiles for the World photo contest was stolen right off of Flickr. Mark Joseph Solis, currently a student at the University of Philippines, copied the image from the popular photo sharing website and entered it into the contest, […]

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Cute Photo Album of the Day: Elephant & Dog Best Friends

Cute Photo Album of the Day: Elephant & Dog Best Friends

You’ve probably seen a few unlikely animal friendships via the internet: a dog and duck or a cat and mouse. But this is one animal duo you’ve probably haven’t heard of. Bubbles, a 9,000 pound elephant, is best friends with a Bella, a black Labrador Retriever. These two pals share a love for the water […]

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