Photography News499 articles

Unsettling Video Shows Staged Photojournalism in the Middle East

Unsettling Video Shows Staged Photojournalism in the Middle East

“The camera cannot lie.” So goes a phrase that became popular when printed photographs became available to the general public in the 19th century. But as consumers grow more and more savvy about the integrity of the media, the camera (and, more importantly, the photographer behind it) is no longer considered to be the epitome […]

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Interesting Daily Photo: Dust & Helicopters in the Desert, the Kopp-Etchells Effect

Interesting Daily Photo: Dust & Helicopters in the Desert, the Kopp-Etchells Effect

Dust accumulating on helicopter blades doesn’t often yield any interesting imagery, but in certain situations the tiny particles atop helicopters in the desert light up. It’s an interesting effect, the exact cause of which has been debated: One former Green Beret argues it’s called the Kopp-Etchells effect, and was named that in memory of two […]

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Timelapse of the Photography Captured by the Curiosity Rover: First Year on Mars

Timelapse of the Photography Captured by the Curiosity Rover: First Year on Mars

The aptly named Curiosity is NASA’s land rover machine built to explore the surface of Mars and conduct research. In this video, a series of 548 images have been put together to give you a view of Curiosity’s first year on the martian planet: Curiosity was sent to the Gale Crater on Mars to learn […]

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Shark Week Photo of the Day: Great White Shark Spotted While Diving in South Australia

Shark Week Photo of the Day: Great White Shark Spotted While Diving in South Australia

Some photographers would jump at the chance to photograph great white sharks, but only from a very safe distance, preferably with a few inches of sturdy glass between them. It takes a special breed to get in the water with these beautiful creatures and photograph them up close and personal while they are in their […]

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Camera Water Gun Prank

Camera Water Gun Prank

Megapixels, aperture, shutter speeds, bracketing, clients, business cards, studios, lenses, tripods, filters… With all of these things to think about, photography can sometimes get a little too serious and overwhelming. That’s why it’s always nice to sit back and enjoy the lighter side of things for a while. In this viral video, a “traveling photographer” […]

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Rare Photos of China’s Manned Space Program

Rare Photos of China’s Manned Space Program

Space exploration isn’t limited to just a couple rival countries anymore. China has developed a successful manned space program over the past decade or so, as demonstrated in this album of the Shenzhou-10 mission, featured on imgur. The photos offer a rare glimpse inside the country’s ambitious program, which, earlier this month, completed a 15-day […]

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Accidental Proposal Photobomber Becomes Famous on the Internet Overnight

Accidental Proposal Photobomber Becomes Famous on the Internet Overnight

That embarrassing moment when you know you’re in the wrong place at the wrong time — we’ve all been there, but rarely does it earn us instant Internet fame. The photo below captures the candid (and hilarious) moment: a young couple at Disneyworld is experiencing a magical moment (pardon the pun, but they are in […]

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Our Pale Blue Dot as Seen from Saturn

Our Pale Blue Dot as Seen from Saturn

Typically, we like to photograph things up close. The closer we can get, the more detail we can capture and the more interesting the subject becomes. But there are times when you have to step back from your subject in order to gain a little perspective. In the case of this real photograph captured by […]

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Police Photographer Leaks Arrest Photos of Boston Bomber

Police Photographer Leaks Arrest Photos of Boston Bomber

Recently, Rolling Stone released its controversial August 1 issue, its cover emblazoned with a self-portrait of Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev: In response to the cover, Sergeant Sean P. Murphy, released photos he took during the teen’s capture on April 19, 2013, in Watertown in an attempt to stop the glorification of the suspect. […]

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NBA Star Lamar Odom Destroys Paparazzi’s Camera Equipment

NBA Star Lamar Odom Destroys Paparazzi’s Camera Equipment

Have you ever watched one of those horrible moments play over and over? One that’s so terrible to watch that you can’t help but keep watching it? Well, this is one of those moments, at least for a photographer. NBA player Lamar Odom, husband to Khloe Kardashian Odom, lashed out against the paparazzi the other […]

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